University of La Verne Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Preparing for Facilitation Leadership and Facilitation Sunday October 29 Team Arena - Fall 2006
The Dynamics of Group Decision Making New Topic Decision Point Adapted From: Lind, Toldi, Fisk and Berger (1996)Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making
New Topic Decision Point Adapted From: Lind, Toldi, Fisk and Berger (1996)Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making Divergent Thinking Convergent Thinking TIME business as usual
Pool of Shared Meaning SILENCE AVOIDANCE ATTRIBUTION WITHDRAWAL VIOLENCE REACTION ATTRITBUION ATTACK Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler (2002)Crucial Conversations Crucial Conversations
OrientationOrganizationOpen Data Flow Problem Solving Dependency Conflict Cohesion Interdependenc e (Group Development Matrix, Jones & Bearley, 1986, 1999) Copyright 1986, 2000 J. E. Jones and, W. L. Bearley
process task relationships self Building on Skills and Competencies
Chris Argyris in Roger Schwarz The New Skilled Facilitator (2002) pp Test assumptions and inferences. 2. Share all relevant information. 3. Use specific examples and agree on what important words mean. 4. Explain your reasoning and intent. 5. Focus on interests, not positions. 6. Combine advocacy and inquiry. 7. Jointly design next steps and ways to test disagreements. 8. Discuss undiscussable issues. (acknowledging) 9. Use a decision-making rule that generates the level of commitment needed..
SELF Preparation Transmits Relaxed Confidence Demonstrates Unconditional Positive Regard (Carl Rogers) Asks Good Questions of Self and Group Guides without Controlling Adapts to the Moment While Staying Focused Accurately Assesses Individuals’ Unique Information and Communication Styles Practices mindfulness
RELATIONSHIPS Establishes Rapport with the Group Builds/Renews Relationships Among Group Members Builds Knowledge and Promotes Understanding of Information and Communication Preferences Among Group Members Includes and Encourages Diversity in Task Accomplishment and Process Designs Conversations to Promote Knowledge of Individuals as Individuals Shifts Ongoing Groups from Dependency to Taking Interdependent Responsibility for Task, Relationship and Effective Process. Teaches, Coaches then Mentors
Predicates Visual Words I can see that. That’s clear. I’d like to know other people’s views. Can you see what I mean? Let’s chart it out. Let’s Look at it another way. Paint me a picture. It looks fine to me. Draw a conclusion Write it up there for me. I don’t see your point. It’s blurred in my mind. Draw me a picture. I’m really visual when it comes to… Show me. Auditory Words Doesn’t ring a bell. Can’t hear a thing you said. They just don’t listen. Sounds great - can you say that again? Can someone repeat that for me? What’s she saying? Sounds like he really doesn’t mean it. Music to my ears. The door slams shut on us. Tone of his voice Loud Noisy (when using Internal talk may seem removed from the conversation) Kinesthetic Words Pulls away from me. Tugs at my emotions. Heartfelt message. Gut level feeling. A depth of understanding. Actively involved. Deeply moving. Grasp the idea. Feel the impact. Churns in my stomach. Wrenching decision. Feel’s wrong to me. Get in touch with. Reach out. I have a real sense. Gain some muscle about it Overbearing. Suffocating.
How we access and use energy How we take-in information How we act in the world How we make decisions ExtravertIntrovert Sensing Intuitive ThinkingFeeling PerceivingJudging
TASK Facilitates a Clear Understanding of Purpose Clarifies Change and Charter Builds Agreements and Clarifies the Meaning of Agreements-Big and Small Has a “ Tool Box” Full of a Variety of Task Structures and Has Choices of Structures for Groups Builds Outcome-Based Agendas Changes Task Structures to Meet Meeting Segments - Begins Each Meeting Segment with a Modified “Square One.” Tracks Progress and Maintains Momentum Toward Task Accomplishment
PROCESS Teaches - Coaches - Mentors Shifts Ongoing Groups from Dependency to Taking Interdependent Responsibility for Task, Relationship and Effective Process. Chooses Effective Processes for Long-Term and Short-Term Groups Builds in Ways for the Group to Define and Self-Evaluate Progress Towards Task and Relationship Commitments Agrees on Roles and the Level and Type pf Feedback Needed by the Group to Progress to a Desired State of Effectiveness Protects Individuals From Attack With Equal Dignity and Respect to All Promotes Both/And Thinking and Works Towards Win-Win Solutions