Eysenck's Type Theory Lesson objectives: Outline what is meant by a type theory Describe Eysenck’s type theory of personality Describe features of introvert, extrovert and neurotic personality types Evaluate Eysenck’s type theory
Type theory Eysenck believed that there are different personality types. type theory His theory is therefore described as a type theory. For each personality type there are associated traits. extroversion, introversion and neuroticism. The personality types he identified include extroversion, introversion and neuroticism.
Extroverts Open and often talkative Compare their own opinions with the opinions of others Interested in new people Say what they think Like action and initiative Easily make new friends or adapt to a new group Easily break unwanted relations
Are interested in their own thoughts and feelings Need to have own territory Often appear reserved, quiet and thoughtful Usually do not have many friends Have difficulties in making new contacts Like concentration and quiet Do not like the unexpected INTROVERTS
Neurotics Nature full of anxiety Worry a lot Feel guilty often Highly emotional Rapid response to fear May have low self esteem May be tense or irritable
Personality scales Eysenck developed two types of personality scales. The first was Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (1964) (EPI) The second was Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (1975) (EPQ)
Tasks 1.Complete the EPI on your desk 2.Analyse your personality 3.What is meant by the Lie Scale? 4.What do you think? Strengths? Weaknesses?
Evaluation of Eysenck’s Type Theory - His original research used a limited sample of people to test his ideas. + Later research however was carried out on 1000s of people and have supported Eysenck’s ideas - He only described a limited number of personality types. - Questionnaires can present researchers with a number of problems. The mood of people when they are answering them can affect their answers. - People may not be 100% truthful in their answers in self-reports when answering questionnaires.