FM2 PPSRVibration 1 UCB, March 16, 2006 THEMIS PROBE FM2 PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW INTRODUCTION David Pankow Vibration Test Director University of California - Berkeley
FM2 PPSRVibration 2 UCB, March 16, 2006 BACKGROUND oBoeing-Swales CLA complete pending Model Validation via Testing oProbe 2 - Sine Burst GSFC: SAI-RPT-0627c (8/25/05) oPCA (prelim.) Acoustics GSFC with Dummy Probes: SAI-RPT-0705 (9/30/05) oThis Test Series is a PATHFINDER using FM Probe 2 only o5-50 Hz Sine & Random Probe Tests, followed by Probe PAF drop oFour remaining Probes & PCA will be Tested in July / August oUCB will use SWALES Procedures with Minor Mods. oSwales support arranged under UCB Field Support Task #5006 o8 vs. 6 Force Gages for greater slip margin oJPL (2 stud mt. - extremal) vs. GSFC (4 triax – avg.) Control Accels
FM2 PPSRVibration 3 UCB, March 16, 2006 KEY TEST PERSONNEL oUCB/SSL oMechanical: David Pankow, Paul Turin oProbe: Peter Harvey, Stuart Harris, & Themis MOC team oUCB Consultant – Terry Scharton (JPL ret.) oSwales: test - Roger Kraus, post test - Rob Eppler (TBC) oJPL / ETL: Instrumentation – Doug Perry, Console – Tim Werner oDynamic Environments Observer (from Dennis Kern’s group) oSafety Observer oGSFC – As Arranged by the Explorer’s Project Office oSafety / Mission Assurance oDynamic Environments Observer
FM2 PPSRVibration 4 UCB, March 16, 2006 TEST FIXTURES o SLIP PLATE TESTING o1.50” thk. Plate & “Red Ring” below PAF oForce Gages between o EXPANDER TESTING oStray Mag fields surveyed at JPL / ETL oArmature stray fields are too High o15” Spool to be provided by UCB/SSL o“Red Ring” Attaches to Spool o PROBE MASS DUMMY oUCB provided for Pre-Test Rehearsals
FM2 PPSRVibration 5 UCB, March 16, 2006 ACCELEROMETERS oInstruments & Avionics oOne per box, near a mounting foot oBus Structure oSwales List pending under FSC # 5006 FORCE GAGES oEight - Kistler # 9251 Triax’s w/ 3000 lb preload (F.S 4) oSemi – Empirical Force Limiting Method per NASA-HDBK-7004
FM2 PPSRVibration 6 UCB, March 16, 2006 PRIMARY TEST PROCEDURES oSwales: SAI-PLAN-0723, Themis Probe Vibration Test Plan (4/22/05) oUCB/SSL: THM_MINT_PROC_043, Vibration Test Plan (2/16/06) oUCB/SSL: THM-MINT-PROC-045, Probe Vibration Test Electrical Config. oJPL/ETL: 144-D-V-current rev., Dynamics Test Lab Procedures STANDARD TEST SEQUENCE (for each axis) oPre-Test Sine Signature: Hz at 0.1G, 4 octaves / min. oQuarter Level, 5 to 50 Hz Sine oHalf Level, 5 to 50 Hz Sine oFull Level, 5 to 50 Hz Sine oPost / Pre-Test Sine Signature: Hz at 0.1G, 4 octaves / min. o-18 db Random: Open Loop (acceleration control) o-6 db Random: Dual Force & Acceleration Control oFull Level Random: Dual Force & Acceleration Control oPost-Test Sine Signature: Hz at 0.1G, 4 octaves / min.
FM2 PPSRVibration 7 UCB, March 16, 2006 “BOEING” 5-50 Hz SINE SWEEP
FM2 PPSRVibration 8 UCB, March 16, 2006 RANDOM VIBRATION
FM2 PPSRVibration 9 UCB, March 16, 2006 ISSUES & CONCERNS oPCA Testing will be covered in the next PER oMECO Transient (3 stage) – GSFC policy is “qualify by analysis” oRandom Pre-Test Data (-18, -6, 0 dB) will be recorded to examine Linearity oJPL’s practice is “Equiv. Random” vs Hz Sine Sweep oAllows for both Closed Loop Control and Force Limiting of Test oJPL regularly does 5-50 Hz Sine for Missions Managed by Other Centers oConcerns fully vetted with Dennis Kern, Terry Scharton, & Dan Worth (GSFC)