Asphalt Academy Feedback to RPF 23 November 2005
The Asphalt Academy (AsAc) Established January 2001 (launch May 2001 RPF) Registered as a Trust on 5 June 2002 Non-profit organisation Managed by a Board of Trustees Collaborative initiative between Sabita and CSIR, Transportek Annual Focus: 2001Establishment 2002 Course Development 2003 Course Presentation (58 courses scheduled) 2004 CAPSA & modification of strategy 2005 Consolidation of strategy with increased independence from sponsors and a broader sponsorship base
Operational Thrust Areas Education, Training and Development Ensure that courses and curricula offered at institutions of learning are consistent and relevant to industry needs through: –Regular assessment of course curricula –Providing relevant knowledge transfer to lecturers, trainers and learners Ensure that courses and post-graduate studies are properly scheduled, coordinated and aligned with relevant legislation and quality standards Knowledge transfer to practitioners: Hold seminars and workshops to disseminate best practice Publish and distribute manuals Manage and maintain appropriate information systems Support and participate in CAPSA and RPF activities Support of Sabita and CSIR Transportek courses and initiatives within South Africa and into SADC countries
Progress to November 2005 Two best-practice manuals published and launched: –TG 1: The use and application of modified binders –TG 2: The design and use of foamed bitumen treated material 6 new courses developed in line with industry unit standards: –Introduction to bitumen –Application of surface seals –Application of HMA –Manufacture of HMA –Bituminous pavement repairs (LIC) –Construction of surface seals (LIC) Other courses developed and presented: –Asphalt Testers course (ATC) –Design of surfacing seals (revised TRH 3) –Design of Hot mix Asphalt (SAHMA design guide)
Progress to November cont Over R invested in course development and upgrading R for the current financial year mainly for the Block Course in Flexible Pavement Engineering Improved understanding of AsAc’s role related to the CETA and SGB Sabita library relocated at Transportek as the AsAc library Two RPF task groups convened CAPSA 04 Course schedule optimised Strategic alliances: –KZN DoT –SARF –Training providers
Course Profile to November 2005 Education, Training and Development No of Courses No of Attendees Introduction to bitumen21393 Application of surfacing seals8158 Asphalt Testers Course (ATC)24235 Bituminous Materials on Site213 Application of HMA7124 Design of HMA349 Design of Surfacing Seals4135 Advanced Bitumen Course138 Quality management of bitumen147 TOTALS
Profile of other activities to November 2005 Ongoing Practitioner Development Date No of Attendees No of sales TG 1: Modified Binders GuidelineOct ’ TG 2: Foam Bitumen GuidelineSep ’ TRH 3/IGHMA Design LaunchJun ’ Ultra Thin Asphalt workshopMay ‘0251 Foam Bitumen workshop (SAT/Gautrans) Mar ‘04118 SARF Compaction coursesOngoing207 CAPSA TutorialsSep ’0487 CAPSA 04Sep ‘04416 SuperSurf LaunchMar ‘05267 Sabita manual 24 launchOngoing69 TOTALS
Summary of Activities
2005/06 Issues and Initiatives Capacity Relationship with Tertiary Institutions and accreditation of courses and presenters Relationship with the CETA and acceptance/accreditation of AsAc courses Expansion of Strategic Alliances –Strategic partners to expand sponsorship base –Targeted client authorities in line with training needs of Provinces –SAICE/SAACE/SAFCEC –EPWP Block Course on Flexible Pavement Engineering Revision and upgrade of ATC modules Upgrade of TG documents Bitumen Safety Course
Relationship with Tertiary Institutions Alliance with Continued Education structures Pre-empts the need for accreditation Focus on NQF level 4 and above for courses Ad hoc feedback of best-practice
Relationship with CETA Provide technical support to CETA Industry entry point for bituminous products Course material provided AsAc will coordinate technical input into the quality of the training material related to bituminous products unit standards AsAc will provide input into the accreditation process of course presenters
Block course in Flexible Pavement Engineering Targeted at new entrants into the road sector (civil engineers, technicians & technologists) 7 modules over 11 weeks –Overview1 week –Materials investigation & design3 weeks –Structural pavement design2 weeks –Tendering & documentation1 week –Construction & quality control2 weeks –Maintenance & asset management1 week –Final assessment1 week
Block course in Flexible Pavement Engineering Run through tertiary institutions Project theme through all the modules as course work for final assessment –New construction –Rehabilitation CSIR commissioned to put together existing material and identify development areas Presented over 11 weeks in a year from May/June 06 Linkage to higher degree or CPD points
Revision & Upgrade of ATC Course restructured into 5 modules –Sampling3 dayscomplete –Granular materials5 daysDec 05 –Aggregates4 daysreview –Bituminous products5 daysDec 05 –Asphalt5 dayscomplete Course notes can be modified for level of learners Theory am; Practical pm Course presented from March 06 at TUT, CPUT and DIT (web site for further info)
Revision of TG documents TG 1: Modified Binders –In parallel to Bit Spec revision –Tests on report need updating (DR database) –Classification needs review - not totally suitable for new modifiers in the market –Resolution: RPF should reconvene the Modified Binders Task Group under the Chairpersonship of D Rossmann TG 2: Foam Bitumen –To be incorporated into the new Bitumen Stabilisation manual
Other Initiatives BitSafe Training Programme –Course run through AsAc on behalf of Sabita –Trainers course –Linked to unit standards –Certification under discussion –On line in first quarter of 2006 Manual 24; Practical HMA Design Guide –One seminar in Pretoria –KZN - 15 Feb 06 –Western Cape – 16 Feb 06 Industry needs survey HMA Forensic study feedback
Thank You