Tk20 Guide Fall 2012
This Tk20 Guide is meant to walk you through the Tk20 components you will use throughout your program. You can always find additional information at: You can also questions to:
After you log in to myUWG click on the External Resources tab Then click on COE Tk20
Click on Continue to Tk20
Click on the “Portfolios” tab at the top
Click on “SLM Ed.S. Portfolio”
These are the three tabs you will use throughout the program NEVER click on the Artifact Wizard Click on the Impact on Learning tab
These instructions are the same as posted in the courses.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. You will find a place to upload your Ethnography project which meets the Impact on Learning requirement.
The Professional Practice tab is where you will post all of your Professional Activities information. Click here to access the Activities Checklist the first time you need to record an activity. Later screens will demonstrate how to add subsequent entries.
Radio button should be selected Click “Continue”
Grab the corner of the box and drag to enlarge the box
Type in title same as item you are working on such as “Activities Checklist 1” for this first item Then click “Add Row”
Now you can click on the pull down tab and select from the list of activities Type name of district/school Select level
When you are ready to enter information for another Professional Activity Checklist item, you will need to click on the Artifacts tab at the top of the screen and you will see a list of all artifacts you have already completed. Click on Prof Activity 1 or whatever you named your first entry.
Click Add Row Click on the drop down tab and select the appropriate activity Type in the district/school and select level Click Save when finished
Click here to access Reflection Form Then make sure the radio button is clicked Then click on “Continue”
Grab corner and drag to enlarge box
Enter title Professional Practice Reflection This is where you will enter notes each semester regarding your Professional Practice experiences – including your interactions with other media specialists at other levels – like a journal. In your last semester you will add a summary paragraph.
During your first semester and your last semester you will complete the Dispositions Rubrics Click here to access the rubric
Make sure the radio button is clicked and then click “Continue”
Grab corner and drag to enlarge box
Type in title – Dispositions First Semester Simply click radio buttons to complete a self-rating.
Click on “Save” when you have completed the rubric.
During your program you will complete four School Data Forms “Click here to Attach” will take you to each form
Make sure the radio button is clicked and then click “Continue”
Grab corner and drag to enlarge box
Click here to access the Georgia Department of Education information As you scroll through the survey, complete as much information as possible. There may be one or two items that are not included in the DoE information.
Click “Save” as you complete each Data form
Exit Presentation tab Items to be posted Click “Save” while you are working on this section You only click on “Submit for Review” when you are completely finished with everything in all the Portfolio Tabs.