An Introduction to Lodging Establishment Inspections
Topics Public health Inspections Licensing Enforcement
Public Health and Safety To assure compliance with applicable laws To assure establishments are sanitary and safe Needed for license
Inspection Types Annual or routine Follow-up Compliance plan Complaint
Inspection Form E9.02 and E9.02A (show form here with mouse rollover) Fill out completely and legibly – White left with establishment – Canary mailed to BEHS – Pink retain in your file
Scheduling Inspections Unannounced Initial to be completed by July 31 Follow up completed within – 30 to 90 days of the initial – Follow-up shouldn’t be done after September 30
Annual/Routine Inspection File Review Introduction Verify facility Information
Annual/Routine Inspection Page 1 – Mark every box and complete each field Yes meets regulation No does not meet regulation Nb not observed, didn’t look at NA not applicable, regulation does not pertain – Licensing year
Annual/Routine Inspection Page(s) 2 – Write your observation and the violation with a corrective measure or how to be compliant. – Review violations with the facility operator – Signatures on all pages.
Inspections Total Number of RoomsPercentage/Number of Rooms to Inspect 5-20 Rooms50% of the Total Number of Rooms Rooms10 rooms or 15% of the Total Number of Rooms, which ever is greatest Over 200 Rooms30 rooms minimum, more if deemed necessary during the inspection
Follow up inspections Schedule 30 to 90 days after the initial inspection Follow up on the date written on the initial inspection Check the “follow up” box on E9.02 Look at only the violations from the previous inspection Uncorrected violations will result in an unapproved inspection, instead of a follow up date, mark that the facility should call for a follow-up
New Establishments Newly constructed Re-opened after being closed 18 months Major renovation
Compliance Plan Inspections Compliance plan Inspection Notification Evaluate and document
Complaint Investigations Interview complainant, determine whether complaint is covered within the rule Document pertinent facts Investigate Follow-up – At the facility – With the complainant Submit investigation record to BEHS
Licenses Every lodging establishment Establishment has the responsibility to obtain it – License Fee – Completed application – Approved lodging inspection for current year – Statement of No Tax Due Transferable Licensing year begins October 1 st and ends September 30 th Must post in facility
License Fee Based on the number of units available in the establishment – 5-10 units = a fee of $50 – units = a fee of $50 + $2 per room – Over 21 units = a fee of $50 + $1 per room Pre-printed on the application mailed to the facility Calculator available on our website at: hp hp
Unlicensed Facilities Always receive an annual inspection Operating a lodging establishment without a license is a violation Enforcement conducted by DHSS
Unlicensed Facilities Probable cause statements – Facility owners/managers – Date of birth and social security number Categories – Passed inspection, missing application, payment, no tax due or combination – Did not pass inspection, may also be missing application, payment, no tax due
Enforcement Licensing timeframe – First notice – Second notice – Final notice Compliance plans Probable cause statements
Questions Please contact your district EPHS IV/V or the lodging program with any rule or statute questions Please contact the lodging program with any questions about paperwork, establishments licensing status, or the license
Conclusion Lodging establishments shall be – kept in a clean and sanitary condition – in good repair and shall be maintained – operated with strict regard to the health and safety of the patrons. – Inspected and licensed annually