Performance Based: Behavior Driven Safety Program
Anyone not willing to spend $1 If you knew you would get $9 change?
Number of Incidents Rockingham County Injuries by Year from 2002 to December 13, 2006
Total Cost Of Recordable Injuries-Rockingham County Jan 1, 2002 to Dec 13, 2006
4 Major Elements to an Effective Occupational Safety and Health Program Management Commitment and Employee Involvement Worksite analysis Hazard Prevention and Control Safety and Health Training ·Employee training ·Supervisory training
Management Commitment Get Commitment from County Manager and Directors: Request serious commitment from members-Pig and Chicken analogy Too many people getting hurt Show them the dough
Employee Involvement Engagement through education of open book management: Too many people getting hurt Form credible safety committee Develop measurements and goals Establish safety records by department
Communication Focus on positives/celebrate victories Share incidents with all employees Recognize individuals and departments for involvement, support, safety achievement Address “opportunities for improvement” one on one
Establish a Safety Budget that Recognizes and Rewards Employees and Departments for Safety Achievement that are Behavior Based
Rockingham County’s Performance Based Safety and Health Recognition Initiatives BSAFE Bingo Pics/Fix Quiz Wiz Department Safety Awards Safety Suggestions Training Incentives
Team I Department# of Emp FT\PPTAvg# of IJ's '05 & '0607-'08 Goal# IJ's YTD Health Register of Deeds Library Head Start Veterans 1200 Total Team II Department# of Emp FT\PPTAvg# of IJ's '05 & '06'07-'08 Goal# IJ's YTD Social Services Planning & Inspections Brd of Elections Youth Services 1810 Total Team III Department# of Emp FT\PPTAvg# of IJ's '05 & '06'07-'08 Goal# IJ's YTD Mental Health Personnel/Purchasing Cooperative Ex Finance 1700 Business/Technology 1400 Soil and Water 1300 Legal/Co. Admin 1700 Tax Data Processing/GIS 1800 Enrn & Engr Econ Development 1300 Total 16596
BINGO Outline Draw number daily “Recordable” Injury kicks out “TEAM” Bingo winner wins prize-plus drawing for employees on the TEAM Failure to report injuries no matter how minor will kick out that department for 6 months
BSAFE Bingo Benefits Raise safety awareness on a daily basis Informs all employees when and how there was an injury suffered in the County Rewards employees and departments for injury reduction Make safety activities fun and rewarding
Rockingham County’s Performance Based Safety and Health Recognition Initiatives BSAFE Bingo Pics/Fix Quiz Wiz Department Safety Awards Safety Suggestions Training Incentives
Lynn Flowers discovered a potential trip
Total Cost Of Recordable Injuries-Rockingham County Jan 1, 2002 to Dec
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