Carminatives Botanical Medicine 1 Brandy Webb, ND
Main Actions of Carminatives Relieve intestinal gas, pain, spasm and distention Settle indigestion Increase absorption Drying; help dispel water and mucus Promote proper peristalsis
Considerations When Using Carminatives Carminatives tend to be the aromatic herbs with high volatile oil content Oils stimulate the GI nerves to promote digestions and the dispelling of undigested food Especially useful for digestive weakness owing to nervousness, anxiety or depression Caution with excess or long term use, which may be too drying
Syzygium aromaticum
Clove Myrtaceae family Constituents Volatile oils Triterpenes Flavonoids Tannins Phenolic acids
Syzygium aromaticum Actions Local anesthetic Antibacterial Antiviral Antifungal Antispasmodic Anti-inflammatory Carminative
Foeniculum vulgare
Fennel Apiaceae family Constituents Volatile oils Phenolic acids Flavovoids Furanocoumarins Fixed oils (some with Anethole)
Foeniculum vulgare Actions Aromatic Carminative Antispasmodic Expectorant Antimicrobial Galactagogue Corrigent (flavor enhancer)
Pimpinella anisum
Anise Apiaceae family Constituents Volatile oils Coumarins Flavonoids Phenolic acids Fixed oils
Pimpinella anisum Actions Aromatic Expectorant Antispasmodic Carminative Antimicrobial Bitter
Mentha piperita Mentha spicata
Mentha piperita Peppermint Lamiaceae family Constituents Volatile oils Triterpenes Tannins Flavonoids Coumarins Amines
Mentha piperita Actions Antispasmodic Bitter Carminative Antimicrobial Mild astringent
Cinnamomun verum
Cinnamon Lauraceae family Constituents Volatile oils Cinnamic aldehyde Eugenol Tannins Mucliage
Cinnamomun verum Actions Aromatic Bitter Carminative Antispasmodic Antimicrobial Astringent Demulcent