Group 4
Find and Replace To use Find / Replace Step1 Place your cursor at the beginning of your document. Step2 Go to the Edit menu and select Find. The Find and Replace window opens. Step3 Select the Replace tab. Step4 Type the word or phrase that you want to find in the "Find what" box. Step5 Type the word or phrase you want to replace it with in the "Replace with" box. Step6 Select All, Up, or Down in the Search drop-down menu to tell Word how much or which part of the document you want to cover with this search and replace. Step7 Select Find Next or Replace if you want to manually replace each word or phrase. Step8 Select Replace All if you want Word to automatically search for and replace each instance of the
To use synonyms in paper. Right click and hover mouse over “synonyms” To use the thesaurus continue and click on “thesaurus” Place word that you want to look up and hit search. Choices will appear.
Copy and Paste With Microsoft Word 2007, there is more than one way to cut, copy, and paste data in your document. One way is to highlight the text or item with your mouse by left clicking with your mouse what you want highlighted. After the item is highlighted, right click it with your mouse and a menu appears with “cut”, “copy”, and “paste” the first three options. To paste the item, select the area you want it to appear at. Then, right click with your mouse and select “paste”; the item will then appear. Or, another option is to click with your mouse the clipboard with a piece of paper over it in the upper left hand corner on top, or to click on the word “paste”, also in the upper left hand corner.
Copy and Paste Another way to cut, copy, and paste is to use the control key (“Ctrl” on the keyboard) in combination with several different letters. Sometimes, such as if you are performing these tasks on a class Wiki, you have to use the control key to perform the function. To do these tasks, you have to highlight the item by left clicking with your mouse. Then, to cut, hold down the Ctrl key in conjunction with the X key; this is known as (CTRL + X). To copy, hold down the Ctrl key in conjunction with the C key; this is known as (CTRL + C). To paste, hold down the Ctrl key in conjunction with the V key; this is known as (CTRL + V).
Spacing To single space after a period when you are typing a document or paper using Microsoft Word 2007, after a sentence, you click on the spacebar one time. In the past, students were taught that after a sentence is completed, you need two spaces before starting another sentence. This rule was used when students still used typewriters; double spacing made things easier to read due to the size of the typewritten letters. With the advent of computers and word processors, double spacing is not needed as with the size of the letters, it is easy to read a document only with single spacing.
Spacing If you accidentally start a new sentence without putting in a space, Word 2007 tells you this is a mistake. This is done with the appearance of a red squiggly line that appears under the last word of the sentence and the first word of the new sentence. If you right click the red squiggly line, the top of the menu that appears will show the two words, but with a space after a period. If you click on that phrase, Word 2007 will fix the mistake, and the line will disappear.
How to use spell check Click on review on the tool bar and click on “spelling and toolbar” it will underline the misspelled word in red, a pop-up will come up that shows other spelling option and will give you the options of which version of the correctly spelled word you want to highlight. When you highlight which word you want, click change. However, if you accidentally use the word there to refer to two or more people possessing something instead of the word their, then you have to use your grammar check for that because your spell check won’t realize the mistake.
How and when to use Bolding Click on Home in the tool bar click the capitol letter B then write whatever word you want to be bold. You are supposed to bold words when you want to emphasize them.
How and when to use underlining Click the underlined u in the tool bar and write the word you want to be underlined. You are supposed to underline titles of books you talk about in a paper.
How and when to use italics Click the italicized I in the tool bar and write whatever word you want to be italicized. You are supposed to italicize names essays and books within your essay.