Chemistry 231 Thermodynamics in Reacting Systems
Enthalpy Changes for Reactions The shorthand form for a chemical reaction J = chemical formula for substance J J = stoichiometric coefficient for J
Reaction Enthalpy Changes The enthalpy change for a chemical reaction H m [J] = molar enthalpies of substance J n J = number of moles of J in the reaction
The Enthalpy Change Reaction beginning and ending with equilibrium or metastable states Note – Initial and final states have the same temperature and pressure!
Reaction Enthalpies (cont’d) We note that 1 mole of a reaction occurs if
A Standard State Reaction A reaction that begins and ends with all substances in their standard states The degree sign, either or P = 1.00 bar [aqueous species] = 1.00 mol/ kg T = temperature of interest (in data tables - 25 C or 298 K).
Standard Reaction Enthalpies We note that for 1 mole of a reaction under standard conditions
The Formation Reaction A "chemical thermodynamic reference point." For CO and CO 2 C (s) + O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) C (s) + ½ O 2 (g) CO (g)
The Formation Reaction The formation reaction 1 mole of a compound constituent elements stable state of aggregation at that temperature. Formation of 1.00 mole of Na 2 SO 3 (s) 2 Na(s) + S(s) + 3/2 O 2 (g) Na 2 SO 3 (s) ‘Formation enthalpy of Na 2 SO 3 (s)’, f H°[Na 2 SO 3 (s)]
The Significance of the Formation Enthalpy f H° is a measurable quantity! Compare CO (g) with CO 2 (g) C (s) + 1/2 O 2 (g) CO (g) f H° [CO(g)] = kJ/mole C (s) + O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) f H° [CO 2 (g)] = kJ/mole
Formation Enthalpies Formation enthalpies - thermodynamic reference point! H o m [J] = f H [J] H m [elements] = 0 kJ / mole. Use the tabulated values of the formation enthalpies
The General Equation The enthalpy change for a given reaction is calculated from the formation enthalpies as Notes Reverse a reaction Multiply a reaction by an integer
The Calorimeter A calorimeter - device containing water and/or another substance with a known heat capacity Calorimeters – either truly or approximately adiabatic systems
Two major types of calorimeters. The constant volume (bomb) calorimeter. U = q v. The constant pressure calorimeter. H = q p.
The Constant Volume (Bomb) Calorimeter
The Constant Pressure Calorimeter
Relating H and U The enthalpy and the internal energy both represent quantities of heat. U = q v. H = q p. Relate the two state functions using the following relationship U = H - PV
Other Important Enthalpy Changes Enthalpy of solution Enthalpy of dilution Enthalpy of fusion Enthalpy of vapourisation
The Solution Enthalpy sol H - heat absorbed or released when a quantity of solute is dissolved in fixed amount of solvent sol H = H m (sol’n) – H m (component) H(component) = H m (solid) + H m (solvent) Two definitions Standard Limiting
The Dilution Enthalpy For the process, HCl (aq, 6 M) HCl (aq, 1 M). The Enthalpy of dilution of the acid. dil H = H m (sol’n 2) – H m (sol’n,1)
Reaction Enthalpy Changes With Temperature Differentiate the reaction enthalpy with temperature
The Result r C p - the heat capacity change for the reaction
Internal Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions Examine a chemical reaction. C (s) + O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) U = U[CO 2 (g)] – U[C(s)] – U[O 2 (g)] Note - r H = kJ/mole
Enthalpies and Hess’s Law Use tabulated values of formation enthalpies to obtain r H°. May also estimate reaction enthalpies using an indirect method.
Hess’s Law Hess’s Law – the enthalpy change for a given reaction is the same whether the reaction occurs in a single step or in many steps.
The Entropy Change in a Chemical Reaction Burning ethane! C 2 H 6 (g) + 7/2 O 2 (g) 2 CO 2 (g) + 3 H 2 O (l) The entropy change is calculated in a similar fashion to that of the enthalpies
Some Generalizations For any gaseous reaction (or a reaction involving gases). n g > 0, r S > 0 J/(K mole). n g < 0, r S < 0 J/(K mole). n g = 0, r S 0 J/(K mole). For reactions involving only solids and liquids – depends on the entropy values of the substances.
The Gibbs Energy Change for a Chemical Reaction The standard Gibbs energy change for a chemical reaction is obtained as follows
The Gibbs Energy Change For the methane combustion reaction 1 CH 4 (g) + 2 O 2 (g) 1 CO 2 (g) + 2 H 2 O(l) r G = n p f G (products) - n r f G (reactants) = 2 f G [H 2 O(l)] + 1 f G [CO 2 (g)] - (7/2 f G [O 2 (g)] + 1 f G [CH 4 (g)] )
The Formation Gibbs Energies f G (elements) = 0 kJ / mole. Tabulated values at SATP used to obtain the Gibbs energy changes for chemical reactions.
A Caveat!!! r G° refers to standard conditions only! For non-standard conditions - r G r G < 0 - reaction moves in the forward direction r G > 0 - reaction moves in the reverse direction r G = 0 - reaction is at equilibrium
Bond Energies Examine the following reactions H 2 (g) H (g) + H (g) U° = kJ Cl 2 (g) Cl (g) + Cl (g) U° = kJ Bond dissociation energies. Enthalpy changes are designated D (H- H) and D (Cl-Cl).
For Polyatomic Molecules CO 2 (g) C (g) + 2 O (g) U = 740 kJ H of this reaction D(C=O) What about dissociating methane into C + 4 H’s? CH 4 (g) C(g) + 4 H(g) U° = 1640 kJ 4 C-H bonds in CH 4 D (C-H) 410 kJ/mol
Make or Break!! Note: all chemical reactions involve the breaking and reforming of chemical bonds Bonds break - we add energy. Bonds form - energy is released. r U° D(bonds broken) - D(bonds formed)
A Word of Caution These are close but not quite exact. Why? The bond energies we use are averaged bond energies ! This is a good approximation for reactions involving diatomic species. Can only use the above procedure for GAS PHASE REACTIONS ONLY!!!