WWI Magazine Questions. 1 three reasons why European nations competed against one another. Economic advantage, colonial possessions, and military superiority.


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Presentation transcript:

WWI Magazine Questions

1 three reasons why European nations competed against one another. Economic advantage, colonial possessions, and military superiority

2 How long after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand did Austria- Hungary declare war on Serbia? 1 month

3 explain how alliances played a role in the Great War Many countries entered the war because of alliances made previous to the war. Germany attacked Russia because of their alliance with Austria-Hungary France helped its ally Russia, so Germany attacked France Germany went through Belgium to get to France so the U.K. entered the war because they had an alliance with Belgium.

4 Why do you think citizens on both sides of the war thought it would be “over by Christmas? Citizens on both sides were very patriotic and confident they would win quickly.

5 explain why only two African nations were neutral. Only two African nations were neutral because the others were colonies of European countries; therefore, they were part of the war.

6 Describe trench warfare. Trenches were ditches dug into the earth about 6 ft deep used as a line of defense. Soldiers did everything in the trenches including eating, sleeping, and using the restroom. The unsanitary conditions led to infestations of lice, rats and flies. Trench warfare seemed useless because neither side could advance.

7 What was “no man’s land”? No man’s land was the area between the opposing armies’ trenches.

8 Explain why attacking the enemy from the trenches was considered “suicidal.” Crossing no man’s land was almost certain death. Men got caught in barbed wire, were killed by enemy gunfire and even land mines.

9 Name five weapons used for the first time during WWI. Poison gas, machine guns, tanks, submarines, and airplanes

10 What advancement helped soldiers to cross no man’s land? In what year was this used? Tanks, 1916

11 Who was the Red Baron and why was he infamous? The Red Baron was the top German ace because he shot down at least 80 enemy aircraft

12 What country ruled the Ottoman Empire? Turkey

13 What is a “front?” The place where fighting takes place

14 What were the names of the two major fronts in the Great War and where were they located? Western, Eastern

15 Who was Lawrence of Arabia? What side was he fighting for? Lawrence of Arabia helped lead a daring attack against the Turks. He was fighting for the Allies

16 In 1917, Russia withdrew from the WWI due to the Russian Revolution. Who came to power as a result of the revolution? Lenin

18. Who was the president of the United States during WWI? Woodrow Wilson

19. List three reasons why the U.S. joined the war American businesses had loaned billions of dollars to the Allies Germany sank U.S. merchant ships Germany asked Mexico to declare war on the U.S.

20. How were African American soldiers treated during WWI? They were placed in segregated units and often given menial jobs, such as driving trucks and cooking

21. Explain why hamburgers were renamed “liberty sausage.” After the war there was a widespread hatred for Germany in the U.S. and hamburgers were renamed because they were originally named after the city Hamburg Germany.

22. What role did women play in the war effort? Many women joined the workforce. Some jobs included working in the fields, clerical workers, conductors and working in the factories.

23. When did the war end? November 11, 1918

24. What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Germany had to accept blame for the war It required Germany to pay the Allies $33 billion, to give territory to France and Poland, give up it’s overseas colonies, and to limit the size of its army

25. What did Adolf Hitler promise Germans to help him get elected? Hitler promised to overturn the Treaty of Versailles

Speech made by Hitler on April 17, 1923 So long as this Treaty stands there can be no resurrection of the German people; no social reform of any kind is possible! The Treaty was made in order to bring 20 million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. But those who made the Treaty cannot set it aside. As its foundation our Movement formulated three demands: 1.Setting aside of the Peace Treaty. 2.Unification of all Germans. 3.Land and soil [Grund und Boden] to feed our nation