BATTLE OF MARNE 1914; German Army advanced through Belgium and Northern France Caused panic in French Army who rushed from Paris to stop attack. German’s stopped 1918; Germans pushing again The four years in between had cost hundreds of thousands of lives and the armies were still exactly where they were when they started
BATTLE OF YPRES 1914; attempt by the British to stop the Germans 1915; first use of poison gas 1917; Over-ambitious aims, bad weather, and bad judgments led to horrific losses. Total casualties for this one battle over 250,000
BATTLE OF SOMME “Big Push” attack across river Somme by British; huge failure! Soldiers did not follow orders, artillery bombardment did not dislodge German wire or destroy machine-gun posts One of the biggest slaughters in military history
BATTLE OF CAMBRAI British launched the first full-scale offensive with the tank 476 tanks charged towards German lines Success surprised both sides and British were not prepared for the victory