Parachute Egg Drop Will The Egg Survive?
Problem: Design and build a parachute that will carry a raw egg to the ground with out breaking, using the egg box. The parachute must fit in the cargo Plane.
Testing the Parachute Ladder 2 Story window 3 story window The class will choose 2 projects to go in Mr. South’s Cargo plane.
Egg Box The egg box will hold the egg The box will be made from paper The dimensions are 2”x 2”x3” The box will be traced from a template The box will be glued together
Designing The Parachute Size Shape String length vent? Weight of an egg
Size of a parachute The bigger the size the more air the parachute will collect when falling. Weight Size
Shape of parachute It is important to pick a shape that will keep stable while filling up with air Rectangle Square Octagon Triangle Hexagon Circle
Vent Dose your Parachute Need a vent? Do you want to put a hole in your parachute?
Materials / Tools Scissors Ruler Pen Pencil 1 Trash bag String Tape Paper Box Pattern