The Zhou Dynasty Chapter 5, Section 1
Heritage A set of ideas that have been passed from one generation to another +1
Virtue Good qualities Note: Needed in the Mandate of Heaven +1
Mandate of Heaven Right to rule: the Chinese believed that they gave it to their emperors as long as they had good virtue…If they didn’t rule well (floods, wars, earthquakes), they lost the mandate and could be overthrown. +1
What was the Mandate of Heaven? The order of Heaven to claim rule over China +1
Public Works Structures built by the government for use by everyone +1
What were the advantages and disadvantages of China’s government- Feudalism? People were loyal to the King The king had a large supply of workers and a militia Peasant faced many hardships They could not own land and were forced to serve in the military +1
What was the Warring State Period? A time of disorder during the Zhou Dynasty A time when States (kingdoms) were at war with one another over land +1
Philosopher A person who studies the meaning of life +1
Responsibility Duties Note: Confucius believed that a good society is like a family in which all members know their places and responsibility. +1
Filial Piety (FIHleeuhl PYuhtee) Children were expected to treat their parents with great honor and respect This kind of treatment of parent (Xiao- ”Show” ) +1
Confucianism Ideas of Confucius that became a guide for the way people lived (Code of Behavior) +1
What qualities did Confucius believe that rulers should have? Xiao or Filial Piety Ren (love and kindness) Ruler should gain loyalty only by treating their subjects with the same love that parents show their children +1
What Chinese philosopher developed an important system of ideas and values? Confucius +1
How did the Chinese people’s shared beliefs in a set of ideas strengthen their civilization? After the Warring State (Kingdom) Period, the Chinese people, following the ideas of Confucius, worked together to restore order to their lives and their society. +1
Zhou Society was divided into three classes, each with different responsibilities. In your opinion, would such as system be more likely to lead to cooperation or to conflict? Explain. +1
In what ways did Confucianism support the idea of the Mandate of Heaven? Confucius’s set of virtues and his teaching that people have a right to replace a leader when the leader does not rule according to these virtues are in agreement with the idea of the Mandate of Heaven. +1
17 total points