English 9-Week at a Glance Monday-Grammar Practice Tuesday-Short Story Review, “Most Dangerous Game”…This is also the last day to turn in a signed, perfect EDP before the lunch detentions are assigned Wednesday-Book Talks Thursday, Friday-All About Me Speeches. Must turn in blue packet and your outline when giving your speech, also grammar quiz on Friday Monday-Lesson with Most Dangerous Game Tuesday-Short Story Test (Will get a review sheet on Tuesday)
Complete Sentences October 26, 2015 Term Definition Example Sentence Run-On Sentence Two or more independent clauses combined as one—an error in writing Comma Splice Two or more independent clauses combined as one and separated only by a comma-an error in writing Fragment An incomplete sentence—a dependent clause-usually an error in writing Compoound Sentence Two or more independent clauses separated by a comma and a conjunction-acceptable in writing
Fixing these errors—Put these notes in your Workbook Add a comma and a FANBOYS word (a conjunction) Add a semi colon Add a period Change an independent clause to a dependent clause by adding a word like although, because, despite or while Because we were required to read the novel, I actually enjoyed it.
Fixing comma splices and run-ons
Practice Try the worksheet on run-on sentences We will go over answers in about 10 minutes
Writer’s Notebook: Murder October 27, 2015 Is murder ever okay? If so, in what situations? Why? Support with examples. If it is never okay, why? Support with examples.
“Most Dangerous Game” Due Monday of next week: Annotations to the entire story A 150-word summary of the story A 150-word reaction to the story 4 questions you would like to discuss about the story Staple summary, reaction and questions to the front of the story
Thursday Warm Up If correct write correct; if not correct, rewrite with correction. I always wanted a PS4, however, I didn’t get one until I was twelve. George, our mailman, broke his leg in three places. We should go on a picnic this Saturday, I know the perfect place. I’ll light the fire, and you put the kettle on for tea. Before he left for Florida, Darrian sold his comic book collection to Kedrick. The weatherman predicted heavy thunderstorms for the July 4th weekend; nevertheless, we decided to go up north. When the rain stopped and the fog finally cleared, we got our first glimpse of Mt. Katadin, it is the highest mountain in Maine.