Shinto (shin tao), the way of the kami
Izanagi and Izanami Origin story Pollution and purification
Amaterasu, kami of the sun Susano-o, kami of the storm Entertaining the kami at shrines
Jimmu, Japan’s first emperor Descent of emperors (and Japanese in general) from kami
Kojiki (712) Nihon Shoki (720)
6th c. Start of appearance of other religions in Japan, esp. Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism Reign of Emperor Meiji. Shinto becomes linked to nationalism 1920s/1930s Shinto linked to Japanese imperial ambitions 1946 Disestablishment of Shinto, incl. idea that emperor is divine
Kami “Spirits?” Heavenly and Earthly kami How do humans react? Places, natural phenomena, animals, ancestors, guardians, heroes, ghosts
Kami Immanent, promoting life, growth, creativity, also suffering and destruction Some greater than others Driving force behind dynamic cosmic harmony
The human predicament Children of the kami Humans naturally good and pure The effects of misbehaviour/pollution Need for purification, like Izanagi, outer and inner, on communal and personal level
Worshipping the kami Offerings Music and dance Prayers of praise, thanks, petitions, vows Seeking return to purity Individual, family and communal rituals
KamidanaTorii Ablution pavilionWorship hall PriestsOracles