SMART Wireless Slate Maribel Herrera
iPad The iPad is sort of like a laptop. Just lighter and easier to carry around. There's many things you can do with an iPad that you can also do with a laptop. You can create a word document. Read a word document and other PDF files. You can open and edit excel spreadsheets. You can create presentations and play them on the iPad. Just like in a laptop or computer. And its also portable like all laptops.
iPad cont. But then it's also better than a laptop. It has many different apps that can be used in the classrooms. There's apps for almost every subject: history, math, science. There's also apps for art, music, language, and vocabulary. If we had iPads in the classroom everything would be simpler. No text books, paper, and pencils/pens. Everything could be typed, read, and kept in the iPad. And in the future there probaly be less waste and less loss of trees and oxygen. It would also be helpful for when we don't get something in class we can just Google it instead of wasting our time looking for a word we don't know, or get, in the dictionary. They're also easier to store. And no one would have to carry anything to class. And they're probably wont be any lockers. And maybe people would be more exited and more interested in learning.
SMART Wireless Slate A slate, I would describe it as a small SMART Board, that connects wirelessly to a computer and projector and interacts with the SMART Board.
SMART Slate The SMART Wireless slate is like a portable SMART Board. When you write on the wireless slate it also displays it on the SMART Board. So a teacher could write down a problem on the SMART Board and pass the wireless slate to a student to solve it without them, the student, having to stand up in front of the class and solve it. So it opens up new possibilities for the classrooms. More participation. Like from students who have problems walking or from shy students. It also lets you interact from anywhere in the room.
SMART Slate cont. The SMART wireless slate could also be used by the teacher. The teacher can control anything on the SMART Board with the slate. They could be teaching us siting in a desk next to us by writing on the slate what they want to teach us and it will just appear in the SMART Board without her having to stand in front of the board.
SMART Slate cont. The SMART slate could also be used at the same time as someone is using the SMART Board. So the teacher could have two students solving problems. One solving it on the slate and the other one on the board. I think that the SMART slate would probably increase the number of people who participate everyday. Because who wouldn't want to use it? Right?
Plummeting in Coming Years With the iPad containing the same things and more things as a laptop, people may stop buying them and changing to the iPad. With the iPad you can do so much more than a laptop. You can draw and write on it. Well on a laptop too, but only on certain ones. You can read books better than a kindle or computer screen. You can use it as a GPS. You can also watch movies on it. So I think that people would probably consider buying an iPad instead of a laptop because of the iPads' many apps.
Plummeting in Coming Years cont. With SMART Boards being installed in every classroom now, the selling of white boards might go down. Now a days it mostly all about the new technology. The selling of over heads and screen projectors might also go down with schools getting more high tech and installing SMART Boards in every classrooms.
New Advancements in Coming Years For the coming years I think that the iPad might create better apps to help people in everyday needs. Maybe faster internet. And for the coming years I think that the SMART Technologies might come up with better technology things to help students. Or to help them understand things better with the use of technology.
Conclusions I selected the SMART wireless slate because my sister was telling me about how her teacher is going to connect them to their classrooms. And that the teacher explained to them about all the things the class and him could do with them. Researching about the SMART wireless slate I learned that it would be a great thing to have in our classroom. With all the things we can do with it. We could have POD's done probably more faster having two people answering them at the same time. We could have everyone participate without being embarrassed or shy to go up to the board. And I think it would make learning geometry more fun.