"MOVEMENT can go deeper than words.” Jaques Lecoq
WHAT IS DRAMA? Drama has the potential, as a diverse medium, to enhance cognitive, affective and motor development. Drama is a unique tool to explore and express human feeling. Drama encourages the students to question previous assumptions and judgements.
Imitation is a natural and spontaneous 'stage' of early child development whereby a child is beginning to investigate the world by imitating it. Piaget notes that "To express things with gestures, the child must have a mental image of what it is he or she is acting out. Acting out in turn strengthens the mental image", inferring that this reciprocal process is a natural way of learning.
“Drama creates an opportunity for children to interact in a productive & purposeful way, with other class members.” Vygotsky (Mind and Society,1978),
What are the dramatization activities? Doing rhytmic repetitions. taking on roles to make the student come to 'feel' what it is like to be in a situation. imitating & repeating orally/ bodily the teacher or the character in their course book.
Applying “infantilization activities” involving the gymnastic movements, jumping, screaming etc. Turning back the clock by putting older learners in the position of child learners. Playing silent movie as a game in order to guess the meaning of the words only using the body and the mimics.
Giving famous proverbs or quotations from the literary works and ask the learners to read and repeat them through imitating & exaggerating different moods or characters.
Dramatization assists in the development of : the use of imagination powers of creative self expression decision making and problem solving skills understanding of self and the world
self confidence, a sense of worth and respect and consideration for others. A high degree of thinking, feeling and moving subsequently of skills for all other learning within and outside of schools (transfer of learning).