1 Progress Report on Riemvasmaak Community Trust Presentation the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform 4 November 2015
2 Background Riemvasmaak is one of the first restitution cases to be settled since Although the community received their land – about hectares and basic infrastructure,there are still some social challenges experienced. One of the challenges is the dysfunctional TRUST- hence an Administrator has been appointed by the Master of the High Court.
3 Following an agreement with the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, the Provincial Shared Services Centre (PSSC) NC assisted Mr Freddie Bosman and the community of Riemvasmaak to call a community meeting at Riemvasmaak in Veredesvallei The meeting took place on 26 September 2015 as was requested Meeting in Riemvasmaak
4 Continue The purpose of the meeting was to explain and request the community to change their legal entity from a Trust to a Communal Property Association (CPA). The meeting was attended by both communities from Vredesvallei and Sending –it sometimes difficult to get the two communities to agree on.
5 Portfolio committee of 12 August Since the last meeting of the Portfolio Committee of 12 August 2015, very little has been achieved in taking the Riemvasmaak Trust forward. There is still confusion as to who is actually responsible for the Administration of the TRUST, ( THE ADMINISTRATORS or The new TRUSTEES).
6 Although Mr Bosman had promised that if he is assisted to facilitate a meeting, he will get the community to take a resolution to change the legal entity to a CPA – he did the opposite by instead insisting that new Trustees be elected to fill the vacancy in the current Trust in order to achieve a quorum. His Lawyer, Adv Snyman instead facilitated the meeting and explained that before any decision could be taken the Deed of Trust requires that they elect the new Trustees – in order to take a resolution. When the Chief Director: PSSC,was made aware that the meeting is not focusing on the intended objective he intervened but received little cooperation from Mr. Busman and Adv. Snyman.
7 continue About 250 community members attended the meeting but their input to the meeting were limited to what Adv. Snyman wished to achieve, that is,electing additional Trust members. The elections were conducted and a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson were elected. When Mr Bosman was not elected to one of these position he seemed to have lost interest and the Advocate nominated him as additional member. It became clear that Mr Bosman, misled the Department by agreeing to call this meeting, but was looking after his own interest but not of the community.
8 Complaints lodged On 25 September 2015 the CD: PSSC received a telephone call and subsequently an message from Mr Armando Damarah complaining that the department is supporting Mr. Bosman to split the community. The CD:PSSC explained the purpose of the meeting and Mr Damarah accepted although he was not happy. With an attempt to resolve the existence of the two parallel Trustee committees a meeting was held with Mr Damarah and Maphanga in Kimberley 02 October It was agreed to call a meeting of the two groups with the Master of the High Court to look for a joint solution.
9 Recommendations As indicated before, the Riemvasmaak Trust matter is complex and therefore it is recommended that: A last attempt be made by the department calling a community meeting and establish an CPA Election Steering Committee to facilitate the establishment of the CPA, if the community agree. Should Election Steering Committee not be successful, then political intervention will be needed
11 Thank you