Roman Judea and the Gospel of Mark
In addition to proclaiming the “good news” the gospels sought to distinguish a Jewish Jesus from his Jewish background, to create an opposition between the followers of Jesus and other forms of first-century Judaism.
I. Political and Religious Context in First-Century Judea II. The Gospel Narrative III. Criticizing Other Sects and Authorities
I. Political and Religious Background in First-Century Judea 1. Roman Influence and Occupation Judea became Roman tributary state c. 63 BCE Herod installed as king c. 37 BCE Direct Roman rule 6 CE Mix of Tolerance and Tensions (See Josephus) 2. Jewish Religious and Social Diversity
2. Jewish Religious and Social Diversity Sadducees Pharisees Essenes Zealots (and Sicarii) Synagogues Wisemen/Prophets
Model of the Second Temple and the Temple complex in Jerusalem in the time of Herod.
The Temple Mount today with the Dome of the Rock (a Muslim shrine), the al-Aqsa mosque, and remaining ancient and medieval walls.
II. Gospel Narrative 1. Jesus’ Preaching The “Kingdom of God” is at hand Teaches in Parables 2. Conflict with Sadducees, Pharisees, and Scribes 3. Passion and Crucifixion
III. Criticizing other Sects and Authorities 1. Selection of events and sayings for readers after 70 CE 2. The Gospel Genre Melding an account of Jesus’ teaching with the story of his passion 3. Apocalyptic Writings 4. Refutation of Rabbinic Judaism