Puzzler’s Club A Convergent Thinking Lesson
The Way to Convergent Thinking 1. Find and organize the clues. 2. Take time and reflect. 3. Put clues together. 4. Determine the answer.
Favorite Toys Dudley, Yolanda, and Jordan were playing with their favorite toys – dominoes, yo-yo’s, and jacks. Did you notice that these toys begin with the same letters as our names, but that none of us like best the toy with the first letter of our own name? That’s true. Who likes which toy best? dominoes Yo-yo’s jacks Dudley Yolanda Jordan X X O O X X X O X
Link Vocabulary Objective anagrams What kind of games do you play that make you think? Vocabulary anagrams Objective Students will solve puzzles.
Reflections Which puzzle was easiest for you and why? Which puzzle was hardest for you and why?
Directions Choose the hardest and the easiest puzzle for you to complete. Possible puzzles are: Dinner Dilemma Cuddly Creatures Club Waffits and Zamboids Perplexing Patterns 1 & 2 Hidden Headgear