MSIF: International Fundraising Sources Member Society Dues Corporate Social Responsibility Trusts and Foundations Major Donors Statutory Bodies International Events – Global Dinner Party
Case for Support Letter of Inquiry Web search Individual prospect research Peer to peer approach MSIF: International Fundraising Techniques
Passion Targeted information Simple, attractive printed materials Brevity Accurate financial data Passion MSIF: International Fundraising Content Checklist
Case study: MS Global Dinner Party Pilot event: 27 February 2003 Concept Planning The event Success The future
Concept A global event to take place on the same day all around the world, to raise funds and awareness Different styles of event depending on what works in any individual country Encourage people to feel part of the worldwide fight against MS
Planning MSIF developed publicity materials in consultation with Member Societies – this was a one-off effort, and the templates can be used again and again 4 countries were part of the pilot event in 2003: –Australia –Canada –Ireland –USA
Pilot event Parties took place in six countries –90 parties in Canada alone Events included: –Barbecue –Finger food buffet –Dinner party with concert pianist –Restaurant dinner
Success The pilot Global Dinner Party raised approximately £6,000 for MSIF, but also raised more for the national societies Unexpected participant – Panama! –“We too in our small but beautiful country are elated and ready for next year, for the money we raised was good, but the love, was uncountable.”
The future 27 February 2004 Target - five more countries Let one of them be yours!