Year 1 Reading Workshop
End of Year Expectations Word ReadingComprehension As above and: Letters and Sounds Phases 4 to 5. Respond speedily with the correct sound to grapheme for the 44 phonemes. Recognise and use the different ways of pronouncing the same grapheme; e.g. ow in snow and cow. Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words. Read words containing –s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er, -est endings. Split two and three syllable words into the separate syllables to support blending for reading. Read words with contractions e.g. I’m, I’ll, we’ll and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter. Automatically recognise approximately 150 high frequency words (see bottom). Apply phonic knowledge for reading. Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with their developing phonic knowledge. Develop fluency, accuracy and confidence by re- reading books. Read more challenging texts using phonics and high frequency word recognition. As above and: Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by: Listening to a range of texts at a level beyond that at which they can read independently including stories, non-fiction and poems. Identifying and discuss the main events in stories. Identifying and discuss the main characters in stories. Recalling specific information in texts. Recognising and join in with language patterns and repetition. Use patterns and repetition to support oral retelling. Reciting rhymes and poems by heart. Relating texts to own experiences. Re telling familiar stories in a range of contexts e.g. small world, role play, storytelling. Make personal reading choices and explain reasons for choices. Understand both the books they can already read accurately and fluently and those that they listen to by: Introducing and discussing key vocabulary. Activating prior knowledge e.g. what do you know about minibeasts? Checking that texts make sense while reading and self-correct. Making predictions based on what has been read so far. Make basic inferences about what is being said and done. Discussing the title and how it relates to the events in the whole story e.g. Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. Participating in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns and listening to what others say by: Listening to what others say. Taking turns. Giving opinions and supporting with reasons e.g. Hansel was clever when he put stones in his pocket. Explaining clearly their understanding of what is read to them. Demonstrating understanding of texts by answering questions related to who, what, where, when, why, how.
We read a wide range of texts…
Reading in Year 1 Phonics 1 to 1 reading (includes books that go home, children working through the reading scheme). Guided Reading. Reading Carousel. Whole School Reading Challenge.
What is Guided Reading? Guided Reading is a teaching technique used to support children with reading. It involves an adult working with a small group of students who demonstrate similar reading behaviours and can all read similar levels of texts. It is a strategy that supports students to discover the meaning of a text for themselves. Encourages use of problem-solving strategies to figure out words they don’t know, deal with difficult sentence structure, and understand concepts or ideas they have never before encountered in print.
1. Book Introduction Looking at the cover and the blurb Making predictions Locating and explaining new vocabulary 2. Strategy Check Recapping reading strategies that they can use to help them understand the text. These are strategies that we encourage the children to use at home too. KS1 strategies are weighted towards decoding and include: - Using pictures as prompts - Sounding out new words - Splitting up longer words - Missing out the word and reading to the end of the sentence and returning to it 3. Independent reading opportunities, questioning and tasks/challenges which are all related to the text. Through targeted questioning a discussion around the text which has been read takes place. As a group, in pairs or independently appropriate challenges are set for the children to complete a task or answer a set of questions related to the text. This is then reviewed as a group.
Assessment focuses and types of questions There are 7 assessment focuses we used to tighten and focus our questioning. We use these to develop children’s understanding and promote thinking at three levels: Literal questions – recalling information that is directly stated in the text. Deductive and Inferential Questions – asking children to work out answers by reading between the lines, combining information from different parts of the text and by going beyond the information given. Evaluative and response questions – thinking about whether a text achieves its purpose, or making connections with other texts.
Year 1 Phonics Assessment
Obb and Bob and Buried Treasure are good games to help children become confident with reading pseudo- words.
Oxford Owl