Crypitds Chase Murse 4th Period
Cryptids list Ahool Giant Sloth Monthman Arabhar Honey Island Swamp Monster Ogppogo Beast Of Bray Road Skunk Ape Jersey Devil Beast Of Gevaudan Thunderbird Kongamato Ucu Bili Ape Loch Ness Monster Yeren Buru Mngwa Yeti Champ Mokele-Mbembe Sasquatch Chupacabras Mongolisn Death Worm Ebu Gogo Cryptids list
AHOOL Bat like creature the size of a one year old Wing span of roughly 12 feet Short grey fur & large black eyes Flattened forearms to support leathery wings Monkey like head with a fattish man like face AHOOL
ARABHAR Like flying snakes Have extra skin can be used as wings 4-7 feet ARABHAR
BEAST OF BRAY ROAD Wolf like creature 2-4 feet on all fours & 7 feet standing Brownish grey fur Weighing 400-700 pounds Has been labeled a werewolf BEAST OF BRAY ROAD
BEAST OF GEVAUDAN Wolf/dog hybrid Large dog like head & straight short ears Big as a calf Wide chest Large mouth & teeth Red fur with black streaks BEAST OF GEVAUDAN
BILI APE Looks like a giant chimpanzee Footprints range 28-34 centimeters Flat face with a wide muzzle Brow ridge runs across & over hangs Sagittal chest Grey all over BILI APE
BURU Aquatic reptile Resembling a large komodo drangon or lung fish Elongated neck Forked tongue BURU
CHAMP Known as the Lake Champlin “Monster” 20 foot long with a serpent like body Body thick like a barrel Head like a horse Silvery gray scales Double row of sharp teeth Fins CHAMP
CHUPACABRAS Translates to “goat sucker” in Spanish Gray fur Vampire like creature 3 to 4 feet tall, walking upright on muscular hind legs Large eyes Fangs & forked tongue Row of sharp quills down its back Known for slaying livestock CHUPACABRAS
EBU GOGO A meter tall Long hair, hairy bodies Pot bellies Ears slightly stuck out Longish arms & fingers Human-like creatures Voracious appetite EBU GOGO
GIANT SLOTH Compared to looking like an oversized hamster Large dangerous looking claws Small, blunt teeth Long hair 7 meters tall, weighing about 7 tons Blunt snout & massive jaw Flat footed Fed on leaves GIANT SLOTH
HONEY ISLAND SWAMP MONSTER 7 feet tall Grayish hair Large amber colored eyes Slender legs Large chest & shoulders Resembles descriptions of big foot HONEY ISLAND SWAMP MONSTER
JERSEY DEVIL Kangaroo like creature with the head of a goat Leathery bat-like wings Small arms with clawed hands Cloven hooves Forked tail Moves quickly Emitting a “blood-curdling scream” JERSEY DEVIL
KONGAMATO No feathers Hollow limbs Elongated 4th finger Large keeled breastbone Wingspan from 27- 50 feet wide KONGAMATO
LOCH NESS MONSTER Long tapering neck 6 feet long Body about 30 feet long Smallish head resembling a serpent Huge hump on back Flippers LOCH NESS MONSTER
MNGWA Overly aggressive big cat Roughly the size of a donkey Brindled fur MNGWA
MOKELE-MBEMBE Dinosaur like creature Clawed feet Lizard like head Swan like neck Frill on the back of the neck 70 feet long & 12-15 feet tall Long tail MOKELE-MBEMBE
MONGOLIAN DEATH WORM Bright red worm 2-5 feet long Wide body Can spew acid MONGOLIAN DEATH WORM
MOTHMAN Moth like creature Glowing red eyes 7 feet tall Wings folded on back MOTHMAN
OGOPOGP Primitive serpentine Humps on back 40 to 50 feet long Darkish green, brown color “Nessie’s Canadian Cousin” OGOPOGP
SKUNK APE Known as “Florida’s Bigfoot” Large, foul-smelling hairy ape like creatures 450 pounds 7 feet tall SKUNK APE
THUNDERBIRD Bird like creature 12-18 foot wingspan Emitting flute-like sound Height 4 to 8 feet THUNDERBIRD
UCU Bigfoot like creature Size of a large dog Roughly 5 to 7 feet Walks erect UCU
YEREN 6 to 9 feet Covered in red-ish brown hair Sloping forehead Eyes set deep Hands ½ foot long Long arms Thumb slightly separate from fingers YEREN
YETI Little man like animal A little under 6 feet Almost naked with some matted hair Body pale yellow Highly splayed feet Muscular YETI
SASQUATCH “Canadian bigfoot” Hairy Gorillia and a bit human like 400 pounds 6 to 9 feet tall SASQUATCH