Welcome to.. Connecting Students and Technology for Enhanced Learning
Introduction Kathy Miles Economics, marketing, and business teacher at Lakeview High School in Oregon for 10 years DECA Advisor – 9 years Teacher Support Specialist – NCEE
Issues... More and more schools are requiring teachers to incorporate technology into the curriculum at all grade levels. + Diverse learning styles create a need for alternative teaching methods. + Students expect visual, hands-on learning....Opportunity
How comfortable are you with technology?
1. Connect all 9 dots 2. Use ONLY 4 lines 3. Don’t lift the pencil from the paper 4. Don’t retrace the same line Quiz -9 Dots
Answer! End Here Start Here
How Do You Use Technology? Attendance Grades Assessment Teacher and Student Research School and Professional Communication ( ) Instruction
Virtual Economics 3.0 CD-ROM contains more than 1,200 lessons for K-12 Multi-media concept demonstrations Detailed information on 51 key economic concepts Glossary with 500+ terms State standards correlations
CyberTeach –A comprehensive guide to teaching economics using the Internet, including model lessons and templates for creating effective lesson plans on your own. Current Events –Understand what's happening in today's world economy with the latest economics news and related EconEdLink lesson plans. DataLinks –Access up-to-date macroeconomic data for classroom use, including primary source materials, charts, and simulations. WebLinks –Internet resources for the K-12 educator. Curricular activities and economic data in easy-to-use formats. FREE K-12 Economics and Personal Finance Lessons
Financing Your Future DVD A DVD that includes: 5 video segments and 15 in-class activities (3 for each video segment) Brief summaries of the videos Correlations of the lesson plans to national educational standards in economics, personal finance, and mathematics Glossary of key terms Test bank of questions to assess your students' understanding of the concepts
Thinking Economics: A Complete Curriculum Package
Chapter 4.6 Wise Use of Credit Let’s go through the program to see how easy it is to teach your students about credit.
Sample Assignment from Thinking Economics
Sample lesson from
Advantages of oftware and Web-Based Resources Into Your Curriculum Advantages of Incorporating Instructional Technology, Software and Web-Based Resources Into Your Curriculum Familiar delivery method for students Differentiation Interactive Instant feedback/assessment Manageable sections Connection with real-world applications
Connecting Students and Technology for Enhanced Learning......an OPPORTUNITY to lead!