Boomburgs Suburban areas that have several hundred thousand residents – but without a defined downtown or business area. Cypress, Texas Mesa, Arizona Arlington, Texas Chula Vista, California
Uptown – an edge city
Purpose of gated communities? Gated community?
Smart growth is a better way to build and maintain our towns and cities. Smart growth means building urban, suburban and rural communities with housing and transportation choices near jobs, shops and schools. This approach supports local economies and protects the environment. Smart-growth
At the heart of the American dream is the simple hope that each of us can choose to live in a neighborhood that is beautiful, safe, affordable and easy to get around. Smart growth creates neighborhoods with schools and shops nearby and low-cost ways to get around for all our citizens. Smart growth creates jobs that pay well and reinforces the foundations of our economy
The Woodlands – still a good example?
Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
Urban renewal and the American urban underclass South Bronx, NY, 70’s and 90’s Cincinnati
In spite of impressive gains, there is still much work to do. South Bronx, 2007
Houston’s “wards” are area of poverty with pockets of renewal.
Outskirts of ParisWe are not alone. end
South Bronx