1 Final Presentation Group P14345 Team Lead: William Sender Jeffrey Auclair Bryan Beatrez Michael Ferry
2 Problem Statement -Audio amplitude control for motion picture, music, and broacast applications. -Maintain the quality and dynamics of the sound. -Improve flexibility while maintaining audio quality. -Maintain usability that of previous devices.
3 Deliverables A working prototype All design files (ex/ source code and libraries) Documentation with board schematics and board artwork Test results verifying proper functionality
4 Customer Needs Cust. Req.ImportanceDescriptionNotes CR19Auto mode, user defines desired output, system keeps output consistentFunctionality not developed. CR29Manual mode, user can modify compression through user interfaceValidated & Verified CR39User interface based off of current state devicesYes CR49Signal output quality: low noise, low distortion, no clipping10 people have verified CR59Audio output quality: Comfortable range and volume10 people have verified CR692 audio channels, stereo capabilityCurrently only running mono. Limited by code compile size. CR79Ability to switch output between the device output and device inputValidated & Verified CR83Ability to switch between stereo/monoCurrently only running mono. Limited by code compile size. CR93Ability to monitor gain-reduction in real timeMetering works on the fourth display line. CR103Ability to save/load settingsFunctionality not developed. CR111"look ahead" abilityFunctionality not developed.
5 Engineering Requirements Engineering RequirementMeasureGoalAllowable DeviationNotes ThresholddBu-20 to to +18Confirmed with testing. Attackms0.1 to 301 to 60Confirmed with testing. Ratio 2:1 to 20:1 Confirmed with testing. Releases0.1 to to 2Confirmed with testing. Make-Up GaindB-5 to to +6 Distorn (THD)%<1%<2%Do not have appropriate hardware for testing. NoisedBu<-85<-70Do not have appropriate hardware for testing. HeadroomdBu>+25>+20Current: can pass >+20, cannot detect more than +7. Sample RatekHz4424k to 43kSet in hardware. Confirmed by passing signal. Freq. RangeHz20 to 20k30 to 18kConfirmed with testing. saves 42 to 8Functionality not implemented. Freq. responsedB+/-0.5+/ CMMRdB>50>30 CrosstalkdB<-100<-70 Input ImpedanceOhms>10k>5kConfirmed with testing (22k). Output ImpedanceOhms<50<100Confirmed with testing (14). Automatic Mode AccuracyTh,R85% 50% Functionality not implemented. Allowable Artifacts nonenon-audible10 people have verified. Display#chars20x420x4 totalConfirmed visually. Contols 54 to 6Confirmed. Channels 22 or 1+1Currently only running mono. Limited by code compile size.
6 System Overview Custom hardware created and manufactured Enclosure machined.
7 Software Overview Over 2,000 lines of code Project compiles under free Keil code size limit (for mono) (28.7K out of 32K) Complete UI using 20x4 display and rotary encoder
8 Results (SW/CV)
10 Results (SW/CV)
11 Results (UI)
12 Results (Metering)
13 Results (HW)
14 Results (HW)
15 Results (HW)
16 Results (HW)
17 Moving Forward Hardware Bug Fixes (mostly pin swaps, size optimization) Offload UI to dedicated micro and communicate via I2C to main processor (reduced code size, higher speed). Buy better tools (ones in lab inadequate). Adding non-volatile memory for saving. Better power supply design.
18 Questions