GCSE Is this the option for you?
How the GCSE is assessed: 60% Controlled assessment 60% of the total marks A single design-and-make activity selected from a choice of set tasks, consisting of the development of a made outcome and a concise design folder. The design folder should consist of approximately: 20 pages of A3 paper It is expected that students should spend approximately 45 hours on this activity. As part of the evidence submitted, students should include photographs of the finished product as well as photographs at various stages of the process. 40% Exam Written Paper 2 hours 40% of the total marks One paper with two sections: Section A A design question based on context supplied before the exam 30 marks Section B Covers all aspects of theory and knowledge covered over year 10 and marks All questions are compulsory.
What to expect if you choose GCSE Resistant Materials Design and Technology Year 10. Year 11. Year 10 This First year of the two year course deals with acquiring the underpinning skills that are essential to success in both the written paper and the controlled assessment. The course is planned to ensure that students are taught the underpinning skills that are the foundation of the Resistant Materials course. The underpinning skills are:. Practical skills. Theoretical knowledge. Drawing skills. Designing skills. Modelling skills. ICT skills Year 11 This second year of the two year course is dominated by the controlled assessment. Students are given careful direction into choosing a project that will fully display their talents. The majority of your time will be spent designing and making the controlled assessment under informal supervision. Exam preparation will occur twice, once before the mock examination and once again before the summer examination. This will involve the students undertaking research into the given design theme for the examination together with thorough revision of the theoretical work covered in Year 10.
If you are interested in: Resistant Materials Design and Technology GCSE you can speak to: Miss Brown If you love designing and making then this option could be for you.