Unit 1
What is Law? This section will help you to: Define law and evaluate its purpose in society Demonstrate an understanding of legal principles Describe how and why laws change and the consequences of such changes on society
Defining Law How would you define law and its main purpose in society. Discuss Law can be defined as the rules that are made and enforced by the government to regulate the conduct of members of our society. Are a blend of ancient traditions and modern ideas.
From penalties for piracy to the rights of minors, the legal system covers every aspect of our lives and even dictates what happens to our belongings after we die. Is thorough, but not rigid. Laws are continually changing in response to our changing social values. Let’s look at capital punishment as an example.
Once upon a time it was legal in Canada, now it is not. Why? What is justice? “is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics.” “Justice means treating people fairly and giving each person what is owed to them.” “Justice is generally understood to mean what is right, fair, appropriate, deserved.” How many of you believe in capital punishment? How does it reflect “justice”
Should it be a changing law? ety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active ety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active Is crime increasing or decreasing in Canada? Does that affect your opinion?
Other Forms of the Meaning “A rule to govern action” “Rules of conduct established by the government for society to follow and obey.”
Why do we have Laws? Right and wrong Where do we get our ideas about right and wrong? E.g. Why is it illegal to murder another person or be married to two people at the same time? In Canada, they are illegal due to our social values. Every society has actions deemed to be acceptable and unacceptable. These social values are shaped by two things: Tradition and changing ideas.
Old Laws that have Changed Winnipeg declared that you may be fined for kissing a woman on the street. Abortion was once illegal. In Alberta back in the day, it was the law when a prisoner was released from jail that he would be given a gun and horse to ride out of town or city. Can you think of any others that have changed? Why have they changed?
Did you know? It is illegal anywhere in Canada to pay for a 26 cent item in all pennies. The limit is 25 cents. If you are paying for your item in nickels, then its illegal to pay for it in nickels if its over $5. Its also illegal to pay for something over $10 dollars in all dimes. Did you know that Canadian law states that every 5th song on the radio must be by a Canadian born citizen? In London, Ontario it is against the city by-law to allow your grass in your front yard to grow any taller then a inch and a half. If you do, the city will come by and cut it for you then give you a fine for $200. Oshawa, Ontario it's illegal to climb trees! In Kanata, Ontario, believe this, it's illegal to have a clothes line in your back yard! In Montreal, Ontario you are not allowed to wash your car in the street or park your car in a way that it blocks your own driveway!
More quirkiness... 30% of a radio station’s content must be "Canadian Content" Citizens may not publicly remove bandages. It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine. Victoria - Street entertainers aren't allowed to give kids balloon animals. In Nova Scotia a person may not water his/her lawn when it’s raining, In Quebec It's illegal for margarine to be the same colour as butter.
Exercise 1 Almost everything we do is affected by the law in some way. The following is a list of everyday things. Your job is to write these things down and show that there are laws that govern them (there are at least 3 for each of them). 1.Attending high school 2. TV programs and ads 3. Running a restaurant 4. Printing newspaper articles 5. Crossing the street 6. Recreational fishing 7. Downloading music
Example Breathing What kind of laws are affected by breathing? There are laws that regulate the quality of air people breathe and laws that determine whether an individual who is attached to a life-support breathing machine has the right to have the machine turned off.