My Top Tips For Peers By Biruk Hailu Jimma College
Tip 1 Remember each person is unique and special
Tip 2 Adolescence is an exiting and scary time for youths The changes are a challenge to deal with ! But it is necessary to go through this to become an adult.
Tip 3 Body changes in puberty lead us to being adults who can bear children. Everyone's body changes at a different rate So it's OK to feel awkward.
Tip 4 The people around us make us who we are We should learn to know their strengths and weaknesses
Tip 5 Help level the playing field for girls They are every bit as great as guys Sometimes better !
Tip 6 Human Rights Agreements says we are all entitled to a healthy life with education. Let's work together to make it happen !
Tip 7 Sexuality is more than sex Sexual feelings are for everyone Good sex is based on trust and safety
Tip 8 Don't get pregnant while in your teens There are too many complications ! Wait and give your child a fuller life.
Tip 9 STI's are easy to catch, Just one slip is all it takes Don't get caught !
Tip 10 HIV/aids is a killer disease We should fight it together
Tip 11 Sex abuse is harmful to the young Leave the young girls in peace
Tip 12 I want my family to be a happy one Your family should be as big as you can provide for !
Tip 13 I'm looking for a bright future The secret of my success is don't give up!