Meet Ukraine
Ukraine is an Eastern Europe country. It is the second largest country in Europe.
You can admire picturesque slopes of the green Carpathians and The Crimean hills, the green forests of Poltava, the endless steppes of Kherson. It is really The land of woods, lakes And rivers.
The Dnieper, Europe's third largest river, flows through central Ukraine and forms the country’s main river network. More than half of the country’s rivers belong to this system.
Ukraine is a country with the glorious past. It is rich in historical monuments and different places of interest.
Ukraine has a population of 47 million people. 72% of them are Ukrainians. They are very kind and hospitable. Ukrainians welcome visitors open-heatedly and treat them warmly and generously.
Kyiv is the heart of Ukraine Old and ever young, it has been advancing in its grandeur throughout the ages for over more then a millennium and a half.
The date of its construction is mentioned in a chronicle under 1037.
Many years ago it was just a swampy place where Kyivites hunted game. It was criss-crossed and the street which appeared here 200 years ago was called Khreshchatic. Today it is the main street in Kyiv.
It is a monument of history, architecture, fresco and mosaic art of the first half of the 11 th century. Bult in the heyday of Kievan Rus during the reighn of Yaroslav The Wise.
More than 80 buildings were constucted on its territory during 900 years of the monastery’s exsstence.
“Striving for excellence” 18 “Think only the best, work only for the best, and expect the best’
19 Learning English and German is paid much attention at our school. Computer Studies is one of the favourite pupils’ school subjects.
20 Working in partnership with the parent and the child
21 Working partnership with the local fire department.
24 School-leavers School-leavers The President of Ukraine’s football federation Grigoriy Surkis is a former school leaver of our gymnasium.
дідківська Class 11 is taking examination
Teaching staff and winners of the district and city educational events.
Knowledge Day is a great day for all pupils but first of all school bell rings for the first formers.
The teaching staff meeting.