Www.eurochambres.be April 2002 Support Services for Micro, Small and Sole Proprietor’s Businesses Vienna 11 - 12 April 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

April 2002 Support Services for Micro, Small and Sole Proprietor’s Businesses Vienna April 2002

Enterprises THE NETWORK Chambers of Commerce 36 National Chambers Organisations OUR OUR NETWORK

in the interest of business theEuropean Chamber Network provides services to represents business through European Chamber Network OUR MISSION

Content Active lobbying tool of CCIs surveying enterpreneurs and providing input into the European legislative process Budget Own funds and sponsorship - Costs estimation: € 500,000 (manpower, survey software, printing and promotion material) Timeframe Set-up phase: July-Oct. 2001; 1st Survey: Nov. 2001, 2nd: March 2002 Future Activities Foreseen Extend the EBP to all European CCIs 3-4 business-relevant surveys in 2002 CCIs involved: 605 Chambers from 24 countries Responsible Andreas Grof, tel: Julie Hertsens, tel: Content Active lobbying tool of CCIs surveying enterpreneurs and providing input into the European legislative process Budget Own funds and sponsorship - Costs estimation: € 500,000 (manpower, survey software, printing and promotion material) Timeframe Set-up phase: July-Oct. 2001; 1st Survey: Nov. 2001, 2nd: March 2002 Future Activities Foreseen Extend the EBP to all European CCIs 3-4 business-relevant surveys in 2002 CCIs involved: 605 Chambers from 24 countries Responsible Andreas Grof, tel: Julie Hertsens, tel: European Business Panel

Content EU funded export promotion campaign to facilitate the access of European goods/services into the Japanese market Budget (forecast) 11 million for (11.5 million for ) Timeframe 4 years after Gateway 1 ( ) & Gateway 2 ( ) Work in Progress Preparation of offer to the European Commission for the third phase (1400 EU enterprises introduced to the Japanese market since 1994 in GTJ1- 2). Future Activities Foreseen EC to appoint contractors in spring 2002 CCIs involved All EU countries + Chambers abroad in Japan Responsible Marie-Elisabeth Rusling, tel: Content EU funded export promotion campaign to facilitate the access of European goods/services into the Japanese market Budget (forecast) 11 million for (11.5 million for ) Timeframe 4 years after Gateway 1 ( ) & Gateway 2 ( ) Work in Progress Preparation of offer to the European Commission for the third phase (1400 EU enterprises introduced to the Japanese market since 1994 in GTJ1- 2). Future Activities Foreseen EC to appoint contractors in spring 2002 CCIs involved All EU countries + Chambers abroad in Japan Responsible Marie-Elisabeth Rusling, tel: Gateway to Japan

Content Development of an online dispute resolution service Budget € 4.8 million (50% EC + 50% CCIs) Timeframe 1st January 2001  30 June 2002 Work in Progress Work well underway on defining legal issues, code of conduct, processes of mediation/conciliation. Prototype technical solution developed. Agreement with BBB and FEDMA on a global trust alliance. Future Activities Foreseen Further development, then market testing, refining, plus roll-out to CCIs. Aim to be opetational by Q3, 2002 CCIs involved: Stockholm, FCCIB, Consejo Superior, DIHK, Unioncamere, InfoCamere Responsible Vincent Tilman, tel: Content Development of an online dispute resolution service Budget € 4.8 million (50% EC + 50% CCIs) Timeframe 1st January 2001  30 June 2002 Work in Progress Work well underway on defining legal issues, code of conduct, processes of mediation/conciliation. Prototype technical solution developed. Agreement with BBB and FEDMA on a global trust alliance. Future Activities Foreseen Further development, then market testing, refining, plus roll-out to CCIs. Aim to be opetational by Q3, 2002 CCIs involved: Stockholm, FCCIB, Consejo Superior, DIHK, Unioncamere, InfoCamere Responsible Vincent Tilman, tel:

Content On-line portal providing companies worldwide with access to various Chamber services Budget Initial budget € 600,000 (50% EC + 50% CCIs), now self-funding Timeframe Ongoing Work in Progress Site operational and bug-free; launched to business community; electronic reporting of statistics available to member Chambers; active promotion with the business community Future Activities Foreseen Increase number or participating Chambers to 200 by the end of 2002; sell banner ads to generate additional income; continue promotion to business community CCIs involved: 93 CCIs in 18 countries Responsible Birgit Arens, tel: Content On-line portal providing companies worldwide with access to various Chamber services Budget Initial budget € 600,000 (50% EC + 50% CCIs), now self-funding Timeframe Ongoing Work in Progress Site operational and bug-free; launched to business community; electronic reporting of statistics available to member Chambers; active promotion with the business community Future Activities Foreseen Increase number or participating Chambers to 200 by the end of 2002; sell banner ads to generate additional income; continue promotion to business community CCIs involved: 93 CCIs in 18 countries Responsible Birgit Arens, tel:

Content Promote the Commission’s Market Access Database (M.A.D.) towards the European business community through the Chambers, to increase awareness and use of the M.A.D. Budget € EC funding Timeframe 1 year project (January January 2003) / renewable for 1 year Work in Progress Set-up of the project, planning CCIs’ promotional events to present the database & collect feedback from business throughout Europe. Kick off date is 15 February Future Activities Foreseen Extension in 2003 to create user groups (CCIs & member enterprises) & involve Chambers abroad. CCIs involved CCIs from all 15 EU countries. Responsible Marie-Elisabeth Rusling, tel: Ester Hernández Coffey, tel: Content Promote the Commission’s Market Access Database (M.A.D.) towards the European business community through the Chambers, to increase awareness and use of the M.A.D. Budget € EC funding Timeframe 1 year project (January January 2003) / renewable for 1 year Work in Progress Set-up of the project, planning CCIs’ promotional events to present the database & collect feedback from business throughout Europe. Kick off date is 15 February Future Activities Foreseen Extension in 2003 to create user groups (CCIs & member enterprises) & involve Chambers abroad. CCIs involved CCIs from all 15 EU countries. Responsible Marie-Elisabeth Rusling, tel: Ester Hernández Coffey, tel: Market Access Database Market Access Database

Rue Archimède, Brussels Belgium tel.: +32(0) fax: +32(0) (0) For any more information