Jeopardy Revolution-The Constitution America Expands Ideas $100 $200 $300 $400 $ $100 $200 $300 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Gilded Age/ Prog. Era Imperialism/ WWI
$100 The Constitution Q: How many branches did the new Constitution create?
$100 The Constitution R: 3
$200 The Constitution Q: What had to be added to the Constitution that protected individual rights from a powerful central government?
$200 The Constitution R: Bill of Rights
$300 The Constitution Q: Names of the two groups that arose from the Constitutional Congress
$300 The Constitution R: Federalists and the Anti- Federalists
$400 The Constitution Q: What type of government did the Constitution set up, in which power is shared between the federal government and the states? (10 th Amendment)
$400 The Constitution R:R: Federalism
$500 The Constitution Q:Q: What government did the Constitution replace?
$500 The Constitution R:R: Articles of Confederation
$100 America Expands Q: The Lewis and Clark Expedition’s main impact was (to encourage people to)?
$100 America Expands R: Move (Travel) West
$200 America Expands Q: Belief that it was inevitable and part of God’s plan that America should stretch from sea to sea?
$200 America Expands R: Manifest Destiny
$300 America Expands Q: What group moved west because of religious persecution?
$300 America Expands R: Mormons
$400 America Expands Q: The religious movement from the 1790s to 1830s which had the belief that salvation was available to anyone and that people can improve themselves and society?
$400 America Expands R: 2 nd Great Awakening
$500 America Expands Q: What is the official term of how America took over Hawaii and what did we force Queen Liliuokalani to do?
$500 America Expands R: Annexation, abdicate
$100 Gilded Age Q: Breaking up monopolies is referred to as what?
$100 R: Trust busting
$200 Gilded Age Q: Critics of industrial leaders called them what?
$200 R: Robber Barons
$300 Prog. Era Q: What movement, led by farmers, led to the Progressive Era?
$300 R: Populism
$400 Gilded Age Q: What innovation led to steel being used for bridges, skyscrapers, etc.?
$400 R: The Bessemer Process
$500 Slavery in the Territories Q: A tougher Fugitive Slave Act because of the Compromise of 1850 led to?
$500 Slavery in the Territories R: Underground Railroad
$100 Imperialism Q: What was the name of the U.S. policy to further its trade interests in China?
$100 R: Open Door Policy
$200 Imperialism Q: Why did the U.S. have to expand its trade into foreign markets?
$200 R: The U.S. was producing more than Americans could consume. (surplus)
$300 Imperialism Q: The name of the extension of the Monroe Doctrine, it was used to justify U.S. intervention in Latin America?
$300 R: Roosevelt Corollary
$400 Imperialism Q: Taft mainly dealt with the economic aspect of imperialism, what was this known as?
$400 R: Dollar Diplomacy
$500 Civil War Q: What 2 battles were the turning points of the Civil War?
$500 Civil War R: Vicksburg and Gettysburg
$100 Ideas Q: That the smartest and most industrious should prosper?
$100 R: Social Darwinism
$200 Ideas Q: Nativists wanted to limit what?
$200 R: Immigration
$300 I deas Q: Name of the system which replaced slavery in the South in which freed blacks were economically tied to an area?
$300 R: Sharecropping
$400 Q: What was the name of the government agency set up during Reconstruction to help former slaves with such things as medical aid, education, and job training?
$400 Reconstruction R: Freedman’s Bureau
$500 Reconstruction Q: What ended Reconstruction and why?
$500 Reconstruction R: Compromise of 1877, last federal troops left the South
Final Jeopardy Question Name 2 ways Southerner’s tried to go around the 15 th Amendment?
Final Jeopardy Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, and the Grandfather Clause
How much?
Immediate cause of the Civil War (caused several Southern states to secede)?
Daily Double Response Election of Lincoln
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