2 L&C/LS&C Agenda, September 7, 2008
Different aspects of language & power Tannen radio clip – power and gender 10 Video – power issues in recent history of Am vs Brit English 15 Ch 2 read-around (lang/thought/represent’n) 20 Small group interaction/cultural relativism 15
Agenda, part 2 Semiotics snippets 25 Paulston small group responses 20 Vlogging – and Wersch, digital ethnography 25 Adding to Hymes on Communicative competence
Tannen on one set of assumptions about power ory.php?storyId= Passivity? Powerlessness? Upspeak? Who gets to ask questions?
Different aspects of language and power From Many tongues called English In the clip from this DVD on the history of English, jot down examples of power as class power as politics power in formality x informality power in attitudes about regions power in attitudes about ethnicities
Language representing power and… Read-around from Chapter 2, LSP text Instant background: Signs and language Semiotics/sem1.html Semiotics/sem1.html The Internet classic: Semiotics for beginners S4B/semiotic.html S4B/semiotic.html
Categories and relativism Star wars bars: small-group interaction Each group will become a planet and devise Power roles: gender, age, whatever Greeting routine Taboo routine and then...
Using Youtube to exemplify semiotics (later we’ll look at Youtube for other reasons) Overview – and check the comments (Semiotics) eature=relatedhttp:// eature=related Good start on advertising semiotics eature=related eature=related Semiotics of the college student (inspired by Martha Roser’s semiotics of the kitchen)
Small group work with Paulston 1.If you are becoming bilingual, are you also becoming bicultural? How bicultural will you be? And whose definition of culture are you using? 2.How does someone come to notice biculturalism? Is it like a virus? 3.How does someone become bicultural? Can it be taught?
Vlogging-start with Pew Digital ethnography/Michael Wesch The machine is us/ing Us Women in Sport digital ethnography Pt I The Internet has a face
Hymes and communicative competence: issues to think about S and classroom Stereotypes P and media as Partner E and Evaluating movie trailers A and examining how interAction happens K (we’ll add to this list over the semester) I N G