07 th February, 2012 Planning Department Government of Manipur
Flagship and CSS * Findings of rapid review Review of Expenditure * Overall expenditure position, AP * Releases by Centre * SPA * Department-wise expenditure (ZERO and <10 %) * Status of Preparation 12th FYP & AP 12-13
* Projects of national importance * Guidelines, funding, review by Centre, implementation by States * CSS Flagship (ICDS, SSA, NRHM, MG-NREGA, PMGSY, NRLM…) and ACA Flagship (RKVY, NSAP, JNNURM, BRGF…) * Intensive review of CSS and Flagship Programmes for 12 th FY Plan. * Focusing on CSS/Flagship good for us. Provides additional sources of investment (beyond State Plan) to direct at key sectors * Our own review reveals ::Uptake of funds and implementation, tardy i. Poor planning and poor monitoring/review by ADs ii. Systems and processes not established to fully realise potential iii. Financial Management practices exacerbate problems iv. Monitoring & reporting and documentation serious concern
A. Financial ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 (In Rs. Cr.) Sl. SchemesAllocation (GoI)OBCS releasedSS released% utilised PHED 1.NRDWP TSC HEALTH 1NRHM _45.02 JNNURM (MAHUD) _10.62 B. Physical ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 Sl.SchemesTarget%Remark 1NRDWP330 HH40Hydrological ground water mapping? 2.TSC70,000 IHHL 703 School toilets Of the 197 targeted Anganwadi toilets, achievement is zero. HEALTH 1NRHM38 PHCs 24X7 FRU ASHAs in place Only CCP DH running as FRU JNNURM (MAHUD) Solid watse mgt. BSUP, IHSDP, Nambul / Naga Nallah All works reportedly in progress Coordination with other agencies Governance reforms held up
A. Financial ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 (In Rs. Cr.) Sl.SchemesAllocationOBCS releasedSS released% utilized 1RKVY (Agri +) AIBP (MI) AIBP (IFCD) (69.44) RGGVY (Power) R-APDRP (Power) B. Physical ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 Sl.Name of Schemes Target%Remark 1.RKVY 4,260 acre (Agri) 56,373 ha (horti) Monitoring/review main lapse. 2.AIBP (MI) 5.75 lakh ha70 3AIBP (IFCD) 55,994 ha44 Khuga MPP- Thoubal MMP- Dolaithabi MPP- 4RGGVY (Power) 341 Villages 90,702 No of HH 26 8 Severe time overruns in Tml, Ukl, Sept. 5R-APDRP (Power) 0 Delays in meeting targeted activities
A. Financial ( )-for Qt. ending Dec’11 (in Rs. Cr.) Sl. No. SchemeAllocation (GoI)OBCS releasedSS released% utilized 1.MNREGS IAY PMGSY B. Physical ( )-for Qt. ending Dec’11 Sl. No. Scheme UnitTarget%Remark 1.MNREGS No. of job card issues lakh mandays generated. Data veracity State Level monitoring/review weak Payment of wages/Social audit Mandays labour 2.IAY No. of houses State Level monitoring/reporting missing 3.PMGSY Km (new) Road Master plan not complete Quality of roads and maintenance Km (upgd) Hab 50052
A. Financial ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 (In Rs. Cr.) Sl.SchemeAllocation (GoI)OBCS releasedSS released% utilized Social Welfare 1.NSAP ICDS Education (S) 1.MDM SSA B. Physical ( )-for qtr ending Dec’11 Sl.SchemesUnit Target%Remark Social Welfare 1.NSAP No. of benf 90,0000 Electronic payment into bank accounts 2.ICDS 42 Education (S) MDMSchools 249 days Primary 240 days Upper Pr. 55 (Pr), 60 (Up Pr) 2/3 rd PS covered Cooking cost not released; Health component SSA Students Civil works Quality of education Teacher training
* Organisational structure: 3 tier (state, district and village) * Periodic reviews at all level. ADs must ensure that * Allocations/central share (releases) * State share and counter-part funds (provide and release) * Monitoring and review: Output, outcome and Impact * Accounts and Audit * Planning Commission advice: - Impact/outcome assessment - Reconcile account and audit (CPMS monitoring) - Empowerment local bodies
Approved Outlay: Rs cr Additional (extras+ carry-over): Rs cr Total: Rs cr Releases by GoI to date:Rs cr Expdr., as on 31 Dec.2011:Rs cr (23.65 %) Expdr., as on 31 Jan 2012 :Rs cr (35.45 %) Percentage Expdr (against release):84.72 % Expenditure position : Annual Plan Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur
Release of funds by GoI (as on ) 10 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Approved outlay: Rs CrsOutlayReleased by GoIExpdr Normal Central Assistance (NCA) Additional Central Assistance (ACA) AIBP SCA to TSP GIA under Art 275 (1) BADP Roads & Bridges (CRF) Control of Shifting Cultivation NSAP NE Gap BRGF JNNURM RKVY Externally Aided Projects (EAP) Special Central Assistance (SCA) Advance SPA Special Plan Assistance (SPA) ( )22.13
ProjectProject Cost Outlay for ReleasedBalance Infra Dev of JNIMS (58.07)14.22 Capital Project C & M of Loktak Lake APDRP in Gr. Imphal Sewerage Project Ph-I /33 KV SS at Ukhrul (5.00) Mini-Sectt Building in Districts (26.43) Total (58.07)
13 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur ProjectStatusAction required JNIMS(i) Current approved DPR = Rs cr. (ii) Revised DPR vetted by CPWD, and report submitted to PC (thru H&FW) Health Dept to submit Rev DPR for Ph I DPR (Rs.500 Cr.) State Capital project (i)Original DPR = Rs cr (ii)Revised DPR of Rs Crs submitted to PC & CPWD PWD to update status of reports by CPWD C&M of Loktak Lake (i)DPR approved at: Rs cr (ii)Convergence funds from State (iii)Impact assessment report (iv)Timeline for completion AD may update status after submission of IAR.
Departments with ZERO expdr : Upto 31 st Jan 2012 (Rs. in Crs) 15 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Motor Vehicle (Transport) Fire Services GAD Home Department
Departments with LESS THAN 10% Expdr: Upto 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 16 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Water Supply Legal Aids & Advice Stationery
Departments with Above 10% and Less 20% Expdr: 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 17 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) PWD Press Development of MOBC Hariyali / IWDP SAT Tribal Development Sericulture School Education Sports (YAS) Cooperation RKVY
Departments with Above 20% and Less 50% Expdr: 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 18 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Social Welfare Labour & Labour Welfare Vety and A.H SCERT Irrigation and Flood Control Science & Technology Adult Education Commerce & Industries Rural Development Fisheries Technical Education
Departments with Above 20% and Less 50% Expdr: 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 19 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Police Housing District Council/Hills Weights & Measure Medical & Public Health Town Planning
Departments with Above 50% Expdr: 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 20 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Power Arts & Culture Treasury CAF & PD MAHUD Survey & Statistics Information Technology (IT) Border Area Dev. Prog(BADP) L.D.A Planning Agriculture Higher Education
Departments with Above 50% Expdr: 31 st Jan., 2012 (in Crs) 21 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Major Heads/ Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay for AP Revised Outlay for AP Expdr upto 31 st Jan % age of Expdr (against Rev) Information & Publicity Tourism Ecology & Env Command Area Dev. (CADA) Minor Irrigation Manipur Dev Society (MDS) Forest Horticulture Local Fund Audit (L.F.A.) Land Reforms Relief & Disaster Management
* Timeline : Complete draft AP by Feb Complete draft 12 FYP by March 2012 * Status of submissions by Depts. Out of 57 plan deptts, following 5 still to submit - Education – S - SCERT - RD (Monitoring Cell) - Govt. Press - Law - CAF & PD (12 th Plan proposals) - Tech. Edn (ditto). * Dept. surgeries: Feb. last week/March 1 st week 24 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur
Status of SPA (as on ) 26 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Fund provided Rs Crs Amount drawn/ utilized Rs Cr (84.69 %) Amount under MH-8449/8443 Rs Crs (21.77 %) Amount not sanctioned by PC Rs.0.84 Crs (for PAB) UC & PR submitted Rs Crore
ProjectFund provided (C+S) Fund Utilisation (As on ) UCs and PR submitted for Pending UC & PR ExpdrAmount under MH-8449/8443 Total PAB WORKS LDA MEDICAL WATER SUPPLY POWER FLOOD CONTROL MAHUD SPORTS HOME / POLICE IT MDS ECO & ENVN JAIL EDUCATION (S) Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Status of SPA (as on ) (Crores)
Topics to be coveredResource personsAction Taken One day training programme for Finance Officers of ADCs, , SAT (i) Role of ADCs/DRDAs, and challenges (ii) Role of Chairperson, Members, CEOs and Finance Officers in ADCs. Hills DeptHills Dept requested to develop module (i)GFR (ii)DFP Rules (iii)CTr Rules, (iv)Audit Rules (v)Maintenance of Cash Books/Ledgers Finance AG Office FD submitted module covering the following topics: (i) GFR, (ii) DFP Rules and (iii) Audit Rules. AG requested to depute a resource person on “Audit Rules”. (i)Planning, executing and monitoring ARAR has modules on effective planning of schemes, and monitoring
SubjectAction TakenRemarks Inter-State Council (ISC) Secretariat has requested State Government for Action Taken Report(ATR) on the 139-point ‘Action Plan on Good Governance’. This includes Short- term and Long-term Plans. ATRs are to be placed before the Standing Committee of ISC. Letters written to DP, Finance, RD&PR, MAHUD, Agriculture, Commerce & Inds, Planning, Power, PHED, CAF&PD, Works, Social Welfare, Hills, Edn-s, Home, relief &Disaster Mgt., IT and Law depts on for ATRs. Reminder letters sent out on IT, Law and Relief & Disaster Management have submitted ATRs.
31 Planning Department, Govt. of Manipur Name of District No. of vehicles to be allotted No. of vehicles allotted so far to DC Vehicles yet to be issued Imphal West41 Maruti SX4 VX1 Bharat IV & 2 Gypsy 1 Gypsy Imphal East41 Maruti SX4 VX1 Bharat IV & 3 Gypsy - Thoubal41 Maruti SX4 VX1 Bharat IV & 3 Gypsy - Bishnupur41 Maruti SX4 VX1 Bharat IV & 3 Gypsy - Senapati44 nos of Boleros- Chandel44 nos of Boleros- Tamenglong44 nos of Boleros- Churachandpur44 nos of Boleros- Ukhrul44 nos of Boleros- Total36351
* Dy. Commissioners were requested to return all those vehicles to DRDA which were earlier used by District Administration/DCs from the DRDA Pool. * Action taken on the return of DRDA’s vehicles (currently being used by DC) to be indicated to Planning Deptt by * No action taken report on return of DRDA vehicles by DCs have so far been submitted.
Name of the ProjectsOutlayReleases 1Manipur Sericulture Project (Ph-II)9.20 WORKS 1Upgradation of various roads in both hills and valley district to provide conectivity Health 1Equipping of District Hospital Thoubal Construction of District Hospital for IE4.60 3Construction of District Hospital for IW4.60 4Construction of District Hospital for BPR2.55 POWER 1Erection of 33 KV feeder from Power grid sub-station at Yurembam 4.60 FLOOD CONTROL 1Flood Control and Anti Erosion Schemes/ Projects41.60 ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 1Bio-diversity Conservation of water bodies & Impvt. of environment in four different places (JNIMS, Waithou, Heipokching & others, Moreh, ) 7.35
Name of the ProjectsOutlayReleases POLICE / HOME 1Construction of left out portion of police housing/outposts and VDF outposts Construction of Administrative Building posts for Police Stations Constn of Police Housing / building & VDF outposts building 7.11 HIGHER EDUCATION 1Upgradation of infrastructure of 12 Govt Colleges11.00 SCHOOL EDUCATION 1Special School for the differently abled children with learning difficulties Upgradation of Infra of Manipur Public School, Koirengei5.50 TECHNICAL EDUCATION 1Construction of Lab Block for applied Science & Engg4.60 2State support for NIT, Lamphel4.60
Name of the ProjectsOutlayReleases DISTRICT COUNCIL / HILLS 2Administrative infrastructure Development of 6 ADCs CAF & PD 1Construction of godown at Jiribam (5000 MT)5.50 MDS 1Construction of Urban Hat at Imphal9.20 2Construction of Integrated Irrigation Tank in 9 districts Upgradation of infrastructure for Transit Hotel Imphal4.60 GRAND TOTAL (SCA)