Facts and stats about the Church of England
16,000 churches (12,500 are of listed heritage)* 44 dioces es 13,000 parishes 16,000 churches (12,500 are of listed heritage)* Caring for 52 million people across England and Europe *Currently 15 church buildings are being offered for community use each year
Average weekly attendance 2009 1.1m people each week 801k adults each Sunday 145k children each Sunday 79k children mid week 107k adults mid week
Christmas and Easter 2009 960,000 communicants on 2,420,000 attendance Christmas Day/Eve Christmas and Easter 2009 1,410,000 attendance 1,020,000 communicants on Easter Day/Eve
Occasional offices 2009 53,000 marriages 4,000 blessings 138,000 baptisms 6,000 thanksgivings 53,000 marriages 4,000 blessings 177,000 funerals at churches and crematoria/cemeteries 25,000 confirmations
Church of England Schools 2011 Primary schools 4,400 schools 780,000 pupils Secondary schools 205 schools 182,000 pupils
Volunteering Over 50,000 people support parish church administration Based on each PCC requiring a secretary, treasurer and two church wardens Over 100,000 people work with children and young people as volunteers Over 10,000 people work as volunteer ministers and a further 8,000 active retired clergy and readers continue to serve the church, alongside a number of volunteer chaplains
Church of England licensed ministers 2010 Licensed stipendiary clergy 8,501 Licensed self-supporting clergy 3,151 Chaplains and other ministries 1,598 Licensed layworkers and lay Church Army evangelists 289 Active retired ordained 5,674 Licensed Readers 7,172 Readers with permission to officiate and active emeriti 2,713 Totals CHURCH OF ENGLAND 29,092
Stipendiary clergy projections
Age profiles of stipendiary clergy
Age profiles of licensed ministers 2010
Diocesan clergy 2010: gender
Paid Chaplains 2010
Clergy ethnicity, 2010
Clergy ethnicity 2005 and 2010
Ordination of women resolutions and petitions (1 Jan 2011) 6% resolution A 7% resolution B 3% petition for extended episcopal ministry
Church of England core congregations 2007 Two in three attending adults are female The average age of core congregation members is 61yrs 95% of core congregation members responding to the survey attended once a month or more frequently
Church of England core congregations 2007
Giving 1999 to 2009
Weekly average tax efficient planned giving per subscriber
Growth in income and expenditure