1 SiteSell Education Best Managers on the Net® Building A Successful Business Using The Internet Session 2 Develop Your Best Concept
2 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 2 Goals of Session 2 Develop your BEST Site Concept. Meet Day 2 Learning Objectives: What to understand What to accomplish
3 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 3 What Is Your Concept? What did you learn on your job? What's your favorite hobby? What are you passionate about? Do you already have a business? What solutions can you offer for specific problems? –an excellent idea-boosting articlean excellent idea-boosting article –This SBI! Forum for help from other SBIers. Finding Your Niche (Day 2)SBI! ForumFinding Your Niche (Day 2) Write your ideas down!
4 SiteSell Education Online Market Research Tool
5 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 5 What Brainstorm It! Reveals PRECISELY what people are looking for. How often they search for EXACTLY that info. What competitors provide and how. What content you'll need to deliver. Use Brainstorm It! to get the precise factual information you need to choose your Best Site Concept.
6 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 6 How Do People Look For Information? They use descriptive words. Search terms are known as KEYWORDS. Three examples: "Anguilla" and "Anguilla villas" and "Caribbean vacations" (with or without quotation marks). Keywords that your visitors use to search may be different from what you would use.
7 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 7 So What's A Site Concept? It's a CENTRAL UNIFYING THEME upon which you base all of your site's content. Every page that you write will be about a topic that is related to your Site Concept. Each one of those pages focuses upon a specific topic/keyword. These pages are known as Keyword-Focused Content Pages (KFCPs).
8 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 8 Examples of Site Concepts
9 SiteSell Education
10 SiteSell Education
11 SiteSell Education
12 SiteSell Education
13 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 13 Research All Three Concepts With BI! Do keyword research with Brainstorm It!. Use the Site Concept Finder to examine three site concepts at once. Enter three seed words: Seed word 1 Seed word 2 Seed word 3 Use BI!'s analytical tools to evaluate and choose the best site concept.
14 SiteSell Education The Two Parts Of Brainstorm It! The Right Brain The first part (the right brain) is called the Brainstormer. It collects keyword data in a brainstorming way. The Left Brain The second part (the left brain) is the Master Keyword List or MKL. It's where SBI! stores the data for you to analyze.
15 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 15 Two Kinds Of Keyword Brainstorming Vertical – generates keywords that are CONTAINED IN the "Seed Word." (If you enter "jazz," all keywords returned by the Brainstormer will contain "jazz" in them.) Lateral – generates keywords related to, but NOT CONTAINED IN, the "Seed Word." (If you enter "jazz," an example of a lateralized word is "music.")
16 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 16 Vertical Brainstorming Options Singular OR plural – pant vs pants Singular AND plural – penny stock Choosing Site Concept Finder Watch this video: Selecting Your Best Site ConceptSelecting Your Best Site Concept
17 SiteSell Education Research Best Site Concept SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 17
18 SiteSell Education Site Concept Finder (SCF) Results SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 18
19 SiteSell Education Site Concept Tolerance Range SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 19
20 SiteSell Education General Evaluation Guidelines Start with Real Supply: * –Realistically < 200,000 –Ideal is 30,000 to 70,000 Then look at Value Demand: –Main keyword > 2,000 (preferably > 3,000) –2+ keywords with Demand > 1,000 –10+ keywords with Demand > 100 Use judgment, not just numbers *NOTE: these ranges tell you whether the concept is doable. SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 20
21 SiteSell Education Specific Evaluation Phases/Steps SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 21
22 SiteSell Education Study The Real Supply SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 22
23 SiteSell Education Study The Real Supply: Smaller Niches
24 SiteSell Education Study The Real Supply: Narrowing
25 SiteSell Education Examine The Value Demand
26 SiteSell Education Examine The Value Demand: Narrowing
27 SiteSell Education Winnable Depth Analysis: Demand
28 SiteSell Education Winnable Depth Analysis: Supply
29 SiteSell Education Overall Depth Analysis
30 SiteSell Education Site Concept Tolerance Range Review
31 SiteSell Education General Evaluation Guidelines Review Start with Real Supply: –Realistically < 200,000 –Ideal is 30,000 to 70,000 Then look at Value Demand: –Main keyword > 2,000 (preferably > 3,000) –2+ keywords with Demand > 1,000 –10+ keywords with Demand > 100 Use judgment, not just numbers SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 31
32 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 32 Your Turn To Brainstorm It! Log into * Start with Brainstormer. Step 1: Select Function – Vertical Brainstorm. Step 2: Select Resource – Singular OR Plural or Singular AND Plural or Site Concept Finder. Step 3: Enter 3 Seed Words. Click Brainstorm It!. Use MKL fiiltering to sort and analyze results. *NOTE: pause the video and try it yourself
33 SiteSell Education Profitability vs. Monetization Potential
34 SiteSell Education Selecting The Best Site Concept
35 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 35 Profitability And Common Sense Profitability means KEYWORD profitability as it is calculated in the MKL. Focus on the big picture of ALL the keywords. Envision a hierarchical site structure, like a book's table of contents. Look for a big pattern and sub-groupings of words to start to see the theme and the major sub-divisions. Over-rule PROFITABILITY numbers that your GUT (your human experience) tells you must be wrong.
36 SiteSell Education Monetization Potential
37 SiteSell Education The Decision Chart
38 SiteSell Education A Common Question I'm struggling to narrow down the concepts to the BEST one. I have many keywords and I can see possibilities for several niches. How do I know which one to choose as the best Site Concept?
39 SiteSell Education Niche Choose It! video 1 video 2
40 SiteSell Education What If I Don't Like The Results Do you have very few words or low demand numbers? Click the "Back to Brainstormer" button and start over for a different Site Concept keyword. If your choice is so-so or better, keep it (for now) and continue the process. Nothing is final at this point. You can always change your mind.
41 SiteSell Education SiteSell EducationSiteSell Education 41 Your Business-Building Homework Complete the brainstorming exercise. Decide on a best Site Concept. Use Niche Choose It! if necessary. Study Day 3 of the Action Guide. Follow the Couse Guide Any Questions? Us.