ESPREME Project – TFEIP Pallanza 10/2004 ESPREME Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurrence in Europe STREP, funded by DG Research under FP SSP-1 – Policy Oriented Research started 01/2004 duration: 36 months Website: contact:
ESPREME Project – TFEIP Pallanza 10/2004 The ESPREME Team Participant NameShortCountryTask/Expertise University of Stuttgart, Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy IERGermanyCo-ordinator, emissions, water/soil modelling, CBA/CEA, Integrated assessment modelling Norwegian Institute for Air ResearchNILUNorwayEmissions, abatement measures Institute for Ecology of Industrial AreasIETUPolandEmission abatement measures, country expert Poland Swedish Environmental Research InstituteIVLSwedenExposure-response functions health, modelling Institute of Occupational MedicineIOMUKExposure-response functions ecosystems EMEP Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – EastMSC-EInternationalAtmospheric dispersion modelling Institute for Atmospheric PollutionCNR-IIAItalyCountry expert Italy, abatement measures, emissions, mediterranean conditions Czech Hydrometeorological InstituteCHMICzech Republic Country expert CZR, abatement measures, emissions ETZEL HungaryCountry expert Hungary, abatement measures, emissions NILU PolskaNILU_POLPolandEmission control costs, macroeconomic feasibility study
ESPREME Project – TFEIP Pallanza 10/2004 Approach The approach consists of the following steps: 1.Consolidate, improve and provide European wide emission data of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni, As and Cr) 2.Collect systematic data on the possibilities to reduce emissions. 3.Improve models for the transport of HM in the atmosphere, soil and water and apply them to simulate the transport of HM in these media; modeling results will be evaluated vs. measurement data. 4.Collect data on thresholds and information on exposure–response relationships. 5.Estimate the willingness-to-pay to avoid damage from HM exposure by transferring values from available contingent valuation studies. 6.Set up an integrated assessment model (IAM). 7.Carry out runs of the IAM to identify cost effectiveness strategies, i.e. bundles of measures that achieve compliance with thresholds and cost-benefit analyses to identify bundles of measures, where the difference between benefits and costs is maximised. 8.Conduct a feasibility study to identify approaches and further research needs for macro-economic assessment of HM abatement strategies. Objectives of work package 2 Establish a detailed European emission inventory for the priority metals (mercury, cadmium, chrome, nickel, arsenic and lead), relevant stock and activities for the base year 2000 and a scenario for 2010 Identify main sources / sectors for the evaluation of potential abatement options (WP03) and compile a measure database containing information on performance, costs and applicability of abatement options (technical and non-technical) Provide emissions per substance that are temporally and spatially resolved for atmospheric (WP04) and water/soil modelling (WP05) purposes ► to be available on the project website in a couple of weeks, inviting experts to check, review and comment
ESPREME Project – TFEIP Pallanza 10/2004 IER Water/Soil Model (WP05) HM Optimisation Model (WP07) EMEP MSC-E HM-Model (WP04) Feasibility Study (WP08) SR-Relationships Basemaps,... costs benefits (by country, sector,...) HM abatement strategies for Europe policy deployment (WP09) HM Emissions (WP02) Abatement measures Stock/Activity data (WP03) direct releases into water/soil HM via air (by landcover) SR-Relationships Basemaps,... Exposure-Response Functions (WP06) Model Framework