Raising Dragons: Vocabulary Grade 3 Theme: Incredible Stories 1.D.1.b – Discuss the word and word meanings as they are encountered in text, instruction, and conversation L. Menzel 8/17/06
appetite The desire for food; hunger Tim had such an enormous appetite that his mom mad e him a tower of pancakes for breakfast.
chores Small jobs usually done on a regular schedule Doing chores is a nice way children can help their parents.
harvested Picked or gathered Jen harvested the apples from the tree.
hitched Tied on or fastened by a knot, ring, or hook The farmer hitched the plow to his tractor to help get his field ready for planting.
plow To break up and turn over dirt so that seeds can be planted The plow will the farmer get his field ready for planting his corn.
sown Scattered or planted The farmer sown the seeds over the ground.
tended Looked after; took care of The music teacher tended to his student.
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