Overview of Stark Reality Plugins for OpendTect Coming soon to a workstation near you.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of Stark Reality Plugins for OpendTect Coming soon to a workstation near you

Surface Segments Does not require interpreted horizons. Produce attribute volumes Horizontal slices contain surface segments which illustrate inherent: – event continuity, – dip magnitude and – stratigraphic relationships

Surface Segments Time slice followed by series of thicker surface segments; I would like for it to show a local peak or local trough. Follow with slice up or down amount equal to thickness to show how boundaries match. Color stack to show fluid change across fault Color stack to show how things don’t stack

Penobscot 1980 ms

Penobscot 2000 ms

Penobscot 2020 ms

Penobscot 2040 ms

Penobscot 2060 ms

Penobscot 1980 ms

Penobscot 2000 ms

Penobscot 2020 ms

Penobscot 2040 ms

Penobscot 2060 ms

Penobscot 1980 ms

Penobscot 2000 ms

Penobscot 2020 ms

Penobscot 2040 ms

Penobscot 2060 ms

Quick Dip Quick Dip Uses a fast algorithm for approximating dip Produces volumes of: – Inline dip – Crossline dip, – Dip magnitude, – Dip Azimuth, – Dip quality estimates Quality estimates often indicate faults, unconformities or other stratigraphic boundaries

3D Volume Classify Utilizes RGB color blend concept to produce a classification (facies) volume Normally outputs 230 or fewer classes Multiple classification orgainzations provided Generates an error volume to quality control classification results Icon Coming Soon

Anomalousness Produces an “Anomalousness” attribute volume Utilizes 2, 3, or 4 input volumes Anomalousness calculated using one of three algorithms Optionally outputs histogram volumes

Horizon Toolkit A collection of tools to post process interpreted horizons – Closure identification is one unique tool – Automatic mis-pick and hole closures – Smoothing methods – Residual structure – Small fault identify

Relative Geologic Time - Basic Utilizes pre-interpreted horizons to generate a Relative Geologic Time (RGT) Volume. User has control over how ages are assigned to horizons and how ages are interpolated between horizons. Useful in combination with Volume Rendering plugin

Temporal Frequency Enhancements Implements the “Spin” enhancement method. Integer multiples scale the Fourier spectra as shown to left. Provided stratigraphic interpretation aids Also implements yet to be published method

Teapot Dome Example - spectra N = 2N = 3N = 1N = 2N = 3N = 1

Teapot Dome Example - timeslice N = 1N = 2N = 3

3D wedge model Crossline Inline Mapped top and base

3D wedge model Wedge Isopach Original Data Positive Base Negative Base Thin Thick

3D wedge model Wedge Isopach N = 1+3 Data Positive Base Negative Base Thin Thick

Discontinuity Volumes A collection of several unpublished methods to identify discontinuity locations Provides alternate to coherency methods Discontinuities tend to cluster along faults and unconformities, and be dispersed when data are noisy Icon Coming Soon

Spectral Decomposition Utilizes several methods to separate input data into spectral bands Implements the IFS method (Instantaneous Frequency Spectra) – Sum across frequency approximate absolute value of input trace – Sum across time approximates Fourier spectra of time window

Input Data

Input Data total Spectrum

5 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary39 15 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary40 25 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary41 35 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary42 45 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary43 55 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary44 65 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary45 75 Hz

STARK Research Proprietary46 85 Hz

Relative Geologic Time - Intermediate This proposed plugin will convert a DGBES HorizonCube to a Stark Reality RGT Volume and a Stark Reality RGT (Age) Volume to a DGBES HorizonCube

Wheeler Volume Generation Utilizes an RGT volume to convert seismic attribute volumes from a vertical axis of travel time (depth) to relative geologic time Based on method presented by Stark, 2005.

Multi-Volume Renderer GPU based volume rendering of multiple volumes Enables real-time volume sculpting when opacity is driven by either RGT or anomalousness volumes

RGT Attributes Utilizes an RGT volume to generate age based attributes such as: – Discontinuities, – Fault and unconformity locations, – Fault throw and heave – Dip magnitude or azimuth – Isopach versus age – Closure volumes, etc. See US patent 6,853,922 Icon Coming Soon

Stack Quality Measures Tools and workflows to estimate the quality of 3D-prestack migrations using either partial offset (angle) stacks, or pre- stack gathers Tools and workflows to correct for some deficiencies in the pre- stack migrations for AVO and structural interpretations Icon Coming Soon

Beyond Nyquist Stack Research project looking for a sponsor This technique has potential to improve velocity estimation accuracy and frequency bandwidth recovered from conventionally collected seismic data More potential if data collected differently

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