After watching the documentaries (Daily Bread, King Corn, Food Inc.), reading the articles (“The Pleasures of Eating” & “The King of Crops”), and your research, what conclusion have you formed about food politics?
Unsanitary Corrupt Unsafe Marvelous Unhealthy Unfair Deadly Deceiving Greedy, Cheap
Thesis:The food industry, in its sole interest to make money neglects and even endangers the consumers. Possible topics: PesticidesAntibiotics/Hormones GMOsFood-borne illness Corn syrupSubsidiesObesity DiabetesCancerLack of labeling
Thesis:__________________________ I. Topic (like a mini-thesis. What conclusion can you make on this topic?) A.Example, fact, stat, quote (Citation) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.
Thesis:The food industry, in its sole interest to make money, neglects and even endangers the consumers. I. The prevalent use of pesticides increases the volume of vegetation but may have dreadful—even deadly—effects on humans. A.“Vegetables grown in huge monocultures are dependent on toxic chemicals” (Berry 39). B. Image of fields being sprayed (Daily Bread) C. Image of workers in space suits (Daily bread) D. “Food is produced by any means or any shortcut that will increase fertility” (Berry 39) E. Chemicals sink into the soil, making the next harvest unhealthy (Jameson 11). F. Run-off is poisoning local water sources (Jameson 11). F. Pesticides linked to breast cancer (Kirkland 45). G. Pesticides are not put on labels, so how is the consumer to know? (Sutter 1). H. Buying organic is the way to go but is more expensive (Food Inc) I. Why can’t the government subsidize healthy organic food? (Food Inc.) J. “I like to eat vegetables and fruits I know have lived happily and healthily in good soil, not the products of the huge, biochemicaled factory fields that I have seen… which look like a “concentration camp” (Berry 41). k. Solutions– farmers’ markets, CSA programs (Food Inc. Website) Notes to self: % of vegetables with pesticides? More studies on links to cancer? Does washing them well get rid of the pesticides? History of pesticides? When did farmers start using them?
What is your logical connection between paragraphs? Each topic can (should be?) more than one paragraph!! Use transitions in your topic sentences Ending– call to action, solution, resolution?? Make sure this is research-based too!
Are you to be unbiased in this paper? No. This is your ARGUMENT. But… it is based on research, which needs to be done thoroughly, in good faith, investigatively, and humbly… Anticipate (don’t ignore) the other side and then research it! Old research Reliance on one or very few sources Being too general Being too specific May need more general overview– history, definitions, look for more general sources (websites, etc.) Sources only showing your side Example: Monsanto Give a thorough look at the topic– can use concessions &/or counterarguments & rebuttal
Berry: “The Pleasures of Eating” Pollan: “”When a Crop Becomes King” Our Daily Bread Interview for Our Daily Bread King Corn Food Inc. Food Inc. website (Corn syrup) Monsanto website King Corn website All these websites will have links (should be credible, but still be careful!) Other Pollan or Berry articles or books ** Can you use personal anecdotes, observations, self studies (food logs), informal interviews? Can you use I?
**Type up your thorough descriptive outline for Tuesday. This will SOOOO helpful for writing your rough draft, which is due Thursday!!