Eco-Industrial Development
State of the Environment Increasing environmental stress caused by pollution DepletingDepleting of natural resources Threats to human health
GLOBAL IMPACT Population (2.6B) Resource Use Efficiency of Production = xx World Population increased from 2.6 billion in 1950 to 5.8 billion in 1995 Traditionally, efficient production means maximum output at the least cost, and often at the expense of a degraded environment.
… more consumption requires increased agricultural production
… faster rate of extraction and use of resources…
… need for more space that involves sacrificing of natural ecosystems …
… to build our homes and service infrastructures, to provide a place for business or trade.
…and to put our garbage in.
greater demand for transportation and electricity that means greater fuel consumption
… and increased pollution of water and air that can have far-reaching effects on human health.
Rapid industrialization adverse environmental impacts (pollution, resource depletion, etc.) defeats Sustainable Development meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Potential environmental impacts Contaminated soil and lost future land use Spills Landscape disturbance Habitat degradation Air pollution Ozone-depleting and greenhouse gases Disposal of solid wastes Freshwater pollution Marine pollution Risks from hazardous waste Exposure to toxic chemicals Local nuisances such as noise, lighting and transport
Product Life Cycle System Earth & Biosphere Raw Material Acquisition Bulk Processing Engineered & Specialty Materials Manufacture & Assembly Use & Service Retirement Treatment Disposal Open Loop Recycling Material downcycling Into another product system Reuse Closed-Loop Recycling Remanufacturing Recycling Transfer of materials Between stages Untreated residuals
The Human Consumption Pattern Mass Production & Customization Mass Consumption & Mass Disposal
The concept of Industrial Ecology «The traditional model of industrial activity should be transformed in a more integrated model: an industrial ecosystem.» (…) R. Frosch & N. Gallopoulos, General Motors Laboratories, 1989
Industrial Ecology as a metaphor «The industrial ecosystem would function similar to a biological ecosystem» R. Frosch & N. Gallopoulos, General Motors Laboratories, 1989
First idea: «industrial food chains» «In such a system the consumption of energy and materials is optimized and the effluents of one process serve as the raw material for another process.» R. Frosch & N. Gallopoulos, 1989
Industrial Ecology’s Approach: CLOSE THE LOOP Upstream Production Downstream Production RE-USE RECYCLE
Greenhouses Sulphuricacid maker sulfur hotwater surplus gases StatoilRefinery. One of Denmark‘s largest refineries with a capacity of 3-4 million tons / year process steam sulphur gases cooling water AsnaesPowerStation gypsum condensate Cement maker Fly ash hotwater CityofKalundborg Provides district heating services to 500 Kalundbotrg homes process steam NovoNordisk Produces a significant amount of the world`s insulin supply and certain industrial enzymes ASNEAS fishfarm. warm water fertilizer Localfarmers Hundreds of farms producing a variety of crops are located within the area sludgefertilizer Gyproc Manufactures gypsum-based wall board Commissioned in 1959, the coal-fired plant has a capacity of 1,500 MW Kalundborg, Denmark
Utilities Farms Households Service & commercial sectors Government facilitation and regulation Collector Eco-industrial park Resource recovery facility Processor 1 Manuf. 1 Manuf. 2 Services Construction & demolition Collector Manufacturing INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF DISCARDS Government Operations Finance Education & research Communications © 1997 Indigo Development
WASTE MANAGEMENT HEIRARCHY Source Reduction Most Desirable Least Desirable recycling Waste treatment disposal
Industrial Ecology Approach to managing human activity on a sustainable basis by: essential integration of human systems into natural systems; Minimizing energy and materials usage; Minimizing the ecological impact of human activity to levels natural systems can sustain.
Energy Water Waste/recovery/recycling/substitution Information Regulatory functions Transportation systems Marketing Other covenants What can be shared?
Looking beyond … Regional Metabolism Industry Process Wastes Recycling Reuse Product 1 Product 2 Product n... Resource 1Resource 2Resource 3Resource n... Source: Erkman & Ramaswamy
Industrial Metabolism: conceptual framework Translocations Input Minerals, ores, energy carriers WaterAir Harvested biomass, hunting, fishing Output Waste deposits Waste Water Emissions to air Fertilizer, pesticides, dissipative losses Industrial System Biosphere Source: Wuppertal Institut
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