How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? Experiences at the regional level SIRMA (regional Project on water management in irrigation) involving research, farmers organizations, education, developing agencies (CIRAD, Tunisia, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria) Nile Valley Red Sea Project on integrated crops, livestock production systems IRAN : Urmyah Lake : fund supported by the government to develop partnership between different stakeholders (research, farmers organizations, developing agencies)
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? Cyprus : The government put incentives to farmers to change for water saving techniques Boosting partnership between research and education: Co-funding of research through thesis (farmers organizations, universities, private sector,…)
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actorPartnersSource of funding Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation NARs & NGOsCGs, ARIs Food security -Increase food availability (quality, quantity and access) - Inc Production and productivity Improve value chains Import Management (market, price volatility) Government NARS Government Private sector CG-ARIs- Univ., Private Sector, Farmers Org. Private sector, NARS, Farm. Org Cons. Unions, Farmers Org. At national level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actorPartnersSource of funding Climate Change Statement observatory Alert government CGIARCGIAR, ACSAD,NARS, Meteorological Dept, Extension Services, Univ., Farmers O., ARIs, Donors WB, WMO, UNEP, UE, CRP.7 Food security Concertation/coo peration between countries AAAID & GovtCG, FAO, AOADAAAID, WB, EU, IFAD, USDP At regional level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actorPartnersSource of funding Climate Change Implementation of CRP7 (Coordination, global policy) GovsIntergovernmenta l Panel on climate change (IPCC) Food security Coordination, Global policy, Respond to crisis WTO-WFPGPAFS (Global Partnership for Agriculture and Food security) At global level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actor PartnersSource of funding Natural Resources Management Improve water management (water use efficiency, Institutional Aspects Water quality Water harvesting Recycled water NARS & NARS & Extension NARS Govt Gov., Farmers Org., Private Sector Developing agencies Social fund for Dev. EU At national level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actorPartnersSource of funding Natural Resources Management Technology transfer / Success AARINENAICARDA, ACSA, ICBA, NARS, Univ., ARIs, Private Sector Int. Donors Private Sector At regional level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? ActionLeader actorPartnersSource of funding Natural Resources Management Concertation / Policies upon water resources GovernmentsCGs, ARIs, International Agencies WWC, GEF At global level
How to achieve effective partnership in WANA region ? National Regional Univ. Res. F. Org. AARINENA International donors, agencies, programmes, etc.
Baseline and monitoring Investment %of GDP allocated to AR4D (0.2% in Iran) % of Ag investment devoted to research (10 to 15%) % of GNP allocated to AR4D % of bank loan to agriculture directed do agriculture % of private sector investment in AR4D Capacity Nb of scientists in AR4D per million people Number of publications/scientist ; Existence of NGO, Associations, Private sector working in AR4D
Baseline and monitoring % of illiterates in agricultural sector Number of extension officers per 1000 farmers % of farmers in the organized sector Partnership Number of agreements concluded with foreign institutions Nb of NGOs, Associations, Unions, etc. in ag. Sector Nb of national partnership between AR4D and univ., Nb of projects brought up by ARINENA Nb of regional networks
Baseline and monitoring Restructuring AR4D Nb of land to lab projects Nb of Farm field days