Apprenticeships in Greater Manchester Nic Hutchins Head of Youth Initiatives, New Economy
Apprenticeship Ambition in Greater Manchester Apprenticeship drivers and landscape Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub Stimulating Demand projects Why the Hidden Sector? 2
Greater Manchester’s Ambition Provide new, high quality learning and development opportunities25% growth in the number of Apprenticeship opportunities over a 5 year period More Advanced and Higher Level (including Degree) Apprenticeships for young people (particularly post A-level) within GM’s priority sectors Progression into and through apprenticeship levels.Better employer involvement, engagement and understanding Young people can make better informed decisions about their future careers understanding the role apprenticeships can play in supporting them to achieve their ambitions Pathways into Apprenticeships will be better understood and clearly mappedBarriers faced by both employers and young people will be removed
Responding to changing drivers Devolution / Northern Powerhouse GM Identity National Drivers Local Drivers Apprenticeship reform and the full shift to Trailblazers / standards by funding year 2017/18 Funding reform – current dual funding system for frameworks and trailblazers and proposed introduction of digital vouchers and apprenticeship levy Employer ownership- employer as client Government targets (3m) Universal credit / in work benefits November CSR and budget Area based reviews Devolution / Northern Powerhouse agendas Greater Manchester Strategy – Stronger Together Public Service Reform Participation Strategy Higher Level Skills Plan CEIAG Strategy Sector development strategies – Manufacturing, Digital, Low Carbon Significant capital investments such as Airport City, HS2 and 3, Metrolink expansion, MediaCity, Corridor Manchester, etc
Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub 5
In the beginning…. Greater Manchester strategy City Deal funding – £6M Set up GM App Hub Developed delivery plan Commissioned activity More recently…. Taken a stronger strategic lead Growth Deal funding Devolved AGE grant - £5.1m Future devolution???
Role of the Hub Identifying priorities to respond to local needs Leading and driving strategy Developing delivery plan Commissioning activity
Objectives Maximise employer take up of apprenticeships in GM’s key sectors through Deliver city-wide collaborative activities to stimulate demand for Apprenticeships and increase the number of vacancies and traineeship work placements. Deliver targeted marketing and communications activities. Support the public sector to provide civic leadership on Apprenticeship recruitment in Greater Manchester. Build and support the capacity of employers to recruit and employ apprentices including those progressing from traineeships. Improve information, advice and guidance services for young people through Increase the proportion of year olds that participate in learning through Apprenticeships and traineeships with a focus on delivering better IAG. Increase the number of NEET and unemployed young people starting Apprenticeships and traineeships. Tackle wider barriers to the take up of Apprenticeships and traineeships in GM with a specific focus on transport. Develop the capacity of providers ensuring supply is matched to demand through Development of market intelligence to influence provider activity. Develop provider capacity to deliver Apprenticeships at level 3+ in key sectors. Improve the quality of Apprenticeship provision across GM. Build the capacity of the provider base to present an integrated offer to employers and young people across GM, e.g. workforce development, employer engagement and progressing young people into Apprenticeships
Partners 10 x GM local authorities SFA GM Chamber of Commerce GM Learning Provider Network GM Colleges Group North West Business Leadership Team Managed, coordinated and facilitated by New Economy on behalf of GMCA with Contract Manager and Policy Officer Underpinned by project delivery by a huge range of partners and organisations
Early activities Lots of IAG projects – Phase 1 and Phase 2 Stimulating demand projects – Engineering, Digital, Third sector Provider capacity building for higher apprenticeships Skills Review Service Evaluation commissioned and begun
Reshaped delivery Moved away from lots of small project commissioning...and, made sure smaller projects were joining up Key themes with big hitting projects Research and Understanding Marketing and Communications – Pilots and Innovation Employer Engagement GM AGE Trailblazer focus
Stimulating Demand Projects To target specific sectors that have specific needs Projects for: – Engineering – Engineering Futures – U Tell Us – Digital Sector – The Hidden Sector – VCSE Also other sector specific projects in the Digital Sector: – The Hive Manchester – Digital Advantage 12
Why the Hidden Sector? Greater Manchester’s VCSE sector is a strong, vibrant and valuable sector in the region However, Apprenticeships are under-represented in the workforce Huge opportunity to grow and add value (skilled staff, energy) to an organisation Feedback from the grant appraisal panel concluded: “This is a great opportunity to try and develop Apprenticeships within this sector and GMCVO were best placed to do it. It feels like the right thing to do” 13
Get involved! Apprenticeships in Greater Manchester 14