Assignment: Use these raw TMI data from near Yellowstone Lakeraw TMI data clean them up separate sources make professional final images Write a report (~2 pages or less without figures) of your procedures, the final results recommend where you would site excavations to test your interpretation Present your processing steps in such a way that I could follow them and reproduce your results. Due 4/24.
Step 1: Classed post map to see what the raw data look like High anomaly along a single line – probably an acquisition problem
Acquisition was N-S; clearly needs to be decorrugated
Decorrugated with an 11x11 sized filter. This looks adequate; not much anomaly of probable interest is in the noise portion (right).
Upper row: successive upward continuations of 2, 4, 6, and 8 meters Lower row: successive differences of TMI/DC with the upward continuations above. Thus, these are equivalent layers of 0-1m, 0-2m, 0-3m, and 0-4m. The central high is consistent through deeper and deeper equivalent layers. Thus, this is probably geologic. There are some interesting, shorter wavelength anomalies superposed on the geologic signature. Upward of 6 meters seems okay. Watching this
Equivalent layer from 0 to 3 meters; not much different than that at the right. Equivalent layer from 0 to 4 meters; losing some signal at arrow.
Upper row is upward continuations of 8 and 10 meters; lower row is the resultant equivalent layers (0-4m and 0-5 m) Persistent all the way down
TMI_DC, upward continuation of 6 meters, and 0-3m equivalent layer
Range of nT is really not much different. Upward continuation of 3 meters Upward continuation of 1 meter
For detail, look at an to 0.5 meter equivalent layer. Lower row is same image with total range on color scale (left) versus +/- two standard deviations on the right.
Compare 0-3 meter equivalent layer (left) with ( ) on right. You can pick plenty of detail in both of these but the small anomalies are more apparent in the shallow slice.
0.125 – 0.5 meter layer acquisition Suspicious rectangular feature – historic garbage pit? Plenty of small anomalies indicative of point sources Strong central source with associated radial distribution
Calculate a subsurface model
Another magnetics grid but one of the few where I have a picture of the source.