日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /


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Presentation transcript:

日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

「民族共生の象徴とな る空間」は、アイヌ文 化復興の「ナショナル センター」として、北 海道白老町のポロト湖 畔に整備される予定で す。 きょうせ い

Same groups as last week!

Foreign Workers & Crime: Background Long term, Foreign Population has risen –(legal residents increased 45% in last 15 years: though since 2010 have been falling) Total Japanese Population peaked in 2008 (128m), set to fall (2050 estimate 100m!)

Japan and Foreign Populations % 1% 0.67%

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

2010.3.10 DY p.2 2012.3.18 DY p.2

Visa Overstayers (estimate) 不法残留者数 ( 要約 ) Ministry of Justice (2010) 2013

Why is the number of illegal foreigners falling? Economic & employment slump Strengthened immigration control measures ( 不法滞在者対策の強化 )

October 2003 ( 共同宣言)

2004 GOAL: TO CUT THE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS 50% OVER 5 YEARS ( 共同宣言) More stringent Visa Screenings Crack down on violent crimes Special 200 strong squad based in Tokyo Cooperation between Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Immigration Bureau 10% increase in Immigration Officers 不法滞在者を日本に「来させない」,「入ら せない」,「居させない」を三本柱に

2004: 不法滞在者を 5 年間で半減させる (Collaboration between MOJ & Tokyo govt) 「 5 年間で 48.5 パーセントの不法残 留者を削減し,国民が安心して暮 らせる社会の実現に貢献した」 MOJ 2009 ([We] cut the number of overstayers by 48.5% over 5 years, contributing to the realisation of a society where citizens can live safely) ふほう たいざいしゃ ねんかん はんげん

November 2007: Fingerprinting & photos for all non- Japanese entrants (bar zainichi) Ironic: Fingerprinting, which started in 1955, had only been totally abolished for foreigners in 2000 after a long campaign against “being treated as criminals”

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

Rise linked to abuse of refugee application system…

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

出入国管 理法改正 (200 0) 新出入国 管理法 (199 0) Illegal stay becomes a crime ( 不法在留罪が新 しく設けられた ) = 不法就労助長罪 Penalties for Employers Visas for Nikkejin 出入国管 理法一部 を改正す る法律 (200 4) Increased fines for illegals Reentry ban from 5 to 10 年

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

Police White Paper 2010 ( 警察白書2 2 年) Penal code offenses (cases) Total Number of arrests (people) ,836 13,257 Special Act Offenses (cases) =visa crimes (which Japanese can’t commit!) Number of Incidents Leading to Arrests/Apprehensions ( )

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

Reported Offences ( 刑法犯 件数) Arrests ( 検挙人員) Total Crimes 2009 (2008) 1,703,044 (1,818,023) 544,699 (573,392) Foreign crime data tends to focus on arrests; if foreigners targeted, then more arrests! Reported offences=number of reported crimes allegedly committed Registered Foreigners as % of total population 外国人登録者数の総人口の% 1.71% (1.74%) ‘Foreign’ crimes 09 (08) % 27,836 (31,252) 1.63% (1.72% ) 13,257 (13,885) 2.4% (2.4%) けいほうはんけんきょ

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9 But hang on a second…

Police White Paper 2010 ( 警察白書 22 年) Penal code offenses (cases) Special Act Offenses (cases) Total Number of arrests (people) 2005 らいにち がいこくじん (literally “foreigners in Japan”)

Who are 来日外国人 (lit. “foreign nationals visiting Japan”)? 来日外国人 is a special category used by the NPA (警察庁) to present foreign crime data Defined as follows in 2002 white paper: –“ 「来日外国人」 means all foreigners in Japan, except for residents (permanent residents etc), US military personnel, and those who visa status is unclear” (p。128) The number of foreign nationals visiting Japan (= 来日外国人) was 6.8 million in 2009 and 8.4 million in Therefore, 来日外国人 comprised 5.35% of total “population” in 2009 (6.6 % in 2008) (if total population taken as 127 million) らいにち がいこくじん

Reported Offences ( 刑法犯 件数) Arrests ( 検挙人員) Total Crimes 2009 (2008) 1,703,044 (1,818,023) 544,699 (573,392) 外国人登録者数の総人 口の% 1.71% (1.74%) ‘Foreign’ crimes 09 (08) % 27,836 (31,252) 1.63% (1.72% ) 13,257 (13,885) 2.4% (2.4%) 来日外国人の総人口 の% 5.35% (6.6%)

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,51,3,4,6,7,8, 9

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 2. Legally, foreigners who overstay their visas ( 不法残 留者 ) in Japan are criminals 1,4,6,8,92,3,5,7 3. Proportionally (%), foreigners commit more crime than Japanese 2,5 1,3, 4,6,7,8,9

第 9 章 国際化社会と警察活動 ( 1998 White Paper on Crime)

検挙人員全体に占める来日外国人 構成比の高さ (1998 Police White Paper) 「 我が国の総人口(満 14 歳以上)に占める来 日外国人人口の構成比は約 1.0 %であるとみ られるが、 9 年の刑法犯検挙人員全体に占め る来日外国人検挙人員の構成比は 1.7 %であ る。このように人口構成比との比較で見た場 合、検挙人員全体に占める来日外国人の構成 比の高いことは、国際化がもたらす治安上の 問題として注目する必要がある。」 ( 1998 警 察白書 ) (“there is a need to focus on this problem of public security brought about by kokusaika”)

FALSE Foreigners make up 1% of total population Foreigners make up 1.7% of those arrested for criminal offenses Following questioning in the Diet, this passage was deleted from the white paper. This shows the tendency to use foreigners as scapegoats to explain the rising crime figures – and deflect criticism from the police

TRUE 来日外国人 make up 4.5% of total population 来日外国人 make up 1.7% of those arrested for criminal offenses

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 4. Japan needs to bring in many more foreign workers in order to sustain its economy 1,2,3,6,7,8,94,5 5. The increase in foreign workers over the past 10 years has made Japan more dangerous 2,91,3,4,5,6,7, 8

“The Underground Files of Gaijin Crime”

讀賣新聞1999年10月17日 「本当にこの国は安全なのか。最近、 女性は東京では、夜、外を歩けなく なっているのではないか。言いにくい ことだが、外国人が随分日本に入って きている。こういう人達が日本に入っ て、不法に生活していることは子供や 女性にとっては、恐ろしいなあと思う 面もある。」 ( 自民党の森幹事長、 佐賀市での自民党佐賀 県政経セミナーの講義で) (外国人)犯罪不安社会? (the collapse of the ‘safe’ society?)

YS, APRIL 2005

2003 Visit Japan campaign aimed to double the number of tourists to 10 million by 2010 (new goal: 18 million by 2016) BUT, almost 1 in 3 Japanese oppose increase in foreign tourists…(2003 survey) WHY? 90.2% cited a rise in foreign crimes!

Foreigners will Riot, Says Tokyo Leader (April 2000) “A large number of “sangokujin*” and other foreigners, repeatedly commit heinous crimes; if an earthquake occurs, they are bound to riot” 「不法入国した多くの三国人、外国人の凶悪な犯罪 が繰り返されており、震災が起きたら騒擾事件が予 想される」 During a ceremony at the Ground Self-Defense Force's garrison in Nerima Ward, Tokyo, Ishihara said, * Sangokujin: lit. "people from third countries," used after WWII to refer to citizens from the former Japanese colonies of Korea and Taiwan. Although the word is rarely used now, it still carries derogatory connotations.

1923 Great Kanto Earthquake ( 関東大震災 ) Rumours that Koreans were taking advantage of the disaster, committing arson and robbery, and poisoning the wells –As a result as many as 6,000 Korean, Chinese, and other residents were massacred In the aftermath of the 1995 Kobe quake, non- Japanese and Japanese worked together and helped each other

2006/2012 Survey Report on Public Security ( 治安に関する世論調査 ) 84.3% %

治安が悪くなったと思う原因 (The reason why I think public security got worse) 内閣府 世論調査

Aug Editorial in the Yomiuri “ The 2010 White Paper says that the “seriousness” of foreign crime is “increasing”. However, it is possible to look at it the opposite way. In fact, since arrests peaked in 2005 at 47,865, they have fallen for four straight years and last year stood at 27,836.”

Japan News p. 2

Japan News p. 2

外国人犯罪は減少傾向も警察庁 「引き続き高い水準」 (Despite fall, Police say foreign crime “continues to be at a high level”) 警察庁によると、国内の外 国人犯罪の検挙件数は、2 014年が1万5215件 と前年(1万5419件) に比べて微減。ピークだっ た2005年(4万786 5 件)に比べて3分の1ま で減少している。ただ、平 成初頭の数年は6千件前後 で推移しており、警察庁は 「外国人犯罪は引き続き高 い水準にある」と分析して いる。 産経ニュース

TRUEFALSE 1. The number of illegal foreigners ( 不法滞在者 ) in Japan is increasing 2,3,5,6,8,91,4,7 4. Japan needs to bring in many more foreign workers in order to sustain its economy 1,2,3,6,7,8,94,5 5. The increase in foreign workers over the past 10 years has made Japan more dangerous 2,91,3,4,5,6,7, 8

Next Week: Debate “Japan should import more foreign workers” 「日本は外国人労働者 をもっと受け入れる べきだ」 Homework: Do some research on the pros & cons for next week!

Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Population? (UN, 2000)Declining Japan will need to accept 600,000 foreign workers a year for the next fifty years in order to sustain its economy at the 1995 level ( 国連の予想によると、労働人口を安定させ るためには、 2050 年まで毎年日本は 60 万 人の外国人労働者を「輸入」しないとい けない )

抜かれる日本、冷静な目 「いまとこれ から」朝日新聞社世論調査 将来、少子化が続いて人口が減り、経済 の規模を維持できなくなった場合、外国 からの移民を幅広く受け入れることに賛 成ですか。反対ですか (would you accept large- scale immigration in the interests of reviving Japan?) 賛成 (yes) 26 反対 (no) 65 (

人口減少への対策と して、日本に定住を 希望する外国人を、 移民として受け入れ ることに、賛成です か、反対ですか ( As a counter-measure to the falling population, do you agree or disagree with allowing in foreigners who want to settle in Japan as migrants?) Yomiuri 2015/08/26 p. 12

警察白書警察白書: GROUP WORK Find the official definition of 来日外国人 (p. 158) –Notice how they are lined up with gangsters & smugglers! In terms of reported offences ( 刑法犯 ) what pattern can we see for individual (単独) crimes? (p. 159) How many 来日外国人 (=外国人入国者) were there in 2003? Is this more or less than the number of legal foreign residents (1.9m) in 2003? (p. 186) Roughly what % of arrests are for ‘special’ (mostly visa-related) ‘crimes’ ( 特別法犯検挙件数 )? (p. 186) In terms of ‘heinous’ crimes ( 凶悪犯 ), what kind of crime has seen the biggest rise? (p. 187)

日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

Top six items that foreign visitors have found a problem with:

1.Lack of signposts, maps, street signs indicated in foreign languages (37.3%) 2.Inconvenient locations of tourist information center (28.9%) 3.Difficulty in communicating in foreign languages – even in English (20.0%) 4.Too few installations of ATM that accepts credit cards (17.8%) 5.Complexity in using public transportation (15.4%) 6. Insufficient number of trash cans and benches in town (14.0%)benches Top six items that foreign visitors have found a problem with:

Senkaku Islands dispute with China playing out as a PR battle Japan and China are mounting global diplomatic campaigns in hopes of strengthening their competing claims to the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, with Tokyo recently reversing course on its policy of avoiding vigorous counterarguments to the Chinese claims.

'Comfort women' sign in Times Square urges Japan to apologize The ad, with the slogan "Do You Remember?" shows former German chancellor Willy Brandt kneeling in apology in front of a monument for the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw during his 1970 visit to Poland. It seeks similar contrition from Tokyo. October 07, 2012

Explanation, no apology… "I won't apologize, I'll explain. When I said 'sangokujin,' I wasn't talking about Korean or Taiwanese nationals. I was referring to foreigners who are here illegally and whose crimes are becoming rampant.” “In Tokyo, illegal aliens commit atrocious crimes that do not occur in the rest of the country. Pakistanis pushing Chinese- made drugs make parts of Tokyo ‘lawless’ at night.” "(The drug) problem is rampant because of those foreigners – the true sangokujin. Try walking in (Tokyo's) Kabukicho at certain hours of the night – you'd never believe you were in Japan. Even yakuza are afraid to go there after midnight. And women can't go there on their own." "I'm talking about a more large-scale riot, like the (1992) riots that occurred in Los Angeles."