Our Goal To ensure all students attending the Wareham Public Schools have the opportunity to achieve their highest potential and are prepared to be contributing citizens in our global society.
FY15 Proposed Budget The FY15 proposed budget amount, $27,704,474. This is not a level service budget, reductions have been made to reach the proposed amount. Currently, the FY15 proposed budget is 3% over the FY14 budget amount.
FY15 Proposed Budget To provide the same level of service as in FY14, a budget of $28,469,721 or an increase of 5.9% would be required. A level service budget increases due to: Salaries Contract Services Special Education/Out of District Costs Supplies and Materials
Grants – Totals FY09 - $4,464,634 FY10 - $3, FY11 - $4,749,175 FY12 - $3,198,757 FY13 - $3,226,714 FY14 - $1,780,000 (to date)
Salaries BudgetExpenditureEmployees 2009$ 20,814,732 $ 20,520, $ 20,547,710 $ 20,725, $ 20,975,224 $ 20,930, $ 21,811,974$ 22,104, $ 21,496,335$ 21,795, $ 21,418,298$21.9m (est.) Level Service $22,402,819
Contract Services BudgetBudget Expenditure $ 2,152,336 $ 2,152,336 $ 2,091,202 $ 2,168,533 $ 2,168,533 $ 1,981,441 $ 2,086,804 $ 2,086,804 $ 2,130,247 $ 2,007,372 $ 2,007,372 $ 1,885,403 $ 1,940,730 $ 1,940,730 $ 1,944,804 $ 1,908,292$ 1,908,292 BudgetExpenditure 2009$1,840,686$1,895, $2,311,375$2,187, $2,380,648$2,210, $2,175,507$2,075, $2,538,251$2,637, $2,862, (Level Service) $3,17,896
FY09 to FY14 Chapter 70 Trends
Proposed Reductions 16 staff positions – equivalent to FTE positions, equals estimated savings of $662,038 $103,209 reduction in supplies and materials Re-configuration of Elementary Schools Special Education Adjustments
Proposed Increases AccountFY14FY 15 Proposed% Increase District Leadership $197,466.00$232, % Teachers Classroom $12,557,998.00$12,854, % Guidance/Adjus t/Social Workers $155,842.00$178, % Guidance/Testin g $269,730.00$338, % Psychological Services $482,389.00$497, %
Proposed Increases AccountFY14FY 15 Proposed% Increase Building Technology$50, $51, % CSL/.Curriculum, Leaders $125, $145, % Curriculum Office$83, $188, % Department Heads$391, $410, % Principals & Assistant Principals $1,169, $1,180, %
Proposed Increases AccountFY14FY 15 Proposed % Increase Instructional Other $103,755.00$156, % Instructional Software $0$5, % Instructional Technology $85,845.00$89, % Paper/pencil s/periodicals $47,492.00$58, % Maintenance of Building $196,185.00$207, %
Proposed Increases AccountFY14FY 15 Proposed % Increased Network/Tele communicati on $213,758.00$223, % Technology Maintenance $0$18, % Home instruction/s ped summer school $152,000.00$163, % PT & Speech Salaries $660,816.00$800, % Payments to member collaborative $815,027.00$818, %
Proposed Increases AccountFY14FY 15 Proposed% Increase Program with schools other than public $1,020, $1,351, % Professional development $60,000.00$64, % Athletic Services $246, $262, % Pupil transportation $1,476, $1,494, %
Exploring Reducing/Cost Saving Options Increasing efficiencies in the areas of heating and utilities. Improving effectiveness of purchasing and business office functions. Exploring job sharing opportunities with the town. Reviewing transportation cost. Reviewing our food service budget, products, and efficiencies.
Summary The conservative increase acknowledges local funding realities. We will continue to maximize efficiencies and review practices, as our number one priority remains the students we serve.
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