How awesom e he was! Where are you? No Telling ! How do they do that? Nice to Visit
Category 1 for 1 Question: He was a true father figure of oceanography, producing a textbook all about it. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 1 Answer: Matthew Maury Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 2 Question: This man really loved the cold temperatures and spent most of his time researching in frigid waters Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 2 Answer: Fridjof Nansen Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 3 Question: This individual knew we all came from the same place…Pangaea. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 3 Answer: Alfred Wegener Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 4 Question: This man estimated earth to be ½ its actual size…..his math skills are not quite as good as his story telling skill. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 4 Answer: Christopher Columbus Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 5 Question: Produced an accurate chart of the gulf stream Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 5 Answer: Benjamin Franklin Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 1 Question: While we might call our trips a vacation, back in the day their trips were months or years long and were called a _____________. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 1 Answer: Voyage Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 2 Question: What is the name of one institute? Where is it located? Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 2 Answer: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute – Cape Cod, Mass. Scripps Institution of Oceanography – La Jolla, CA Lamont-Dougherty Earth Observatory – Columbia, NY Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 3 Question: While searching for a location on land we use a map, on water we call these maps a _________. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 3 Answer: Chart Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 4 Question: On the HMS Beagle Charles Darwin visited many unique places including this island off the coast of Ecuador? Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 4 Answer: Galapagos Islands Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 5 Question: The Trieste was the first bathyscaphe to visit this deep dark location. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 5 Answer: Mariana Trench Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 1 Question: To determine the visibility of ocean water scientists use this tool. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 1 Answer: Secchi Disk Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 2 Question: This tool is used to measure the salinity of water. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 2 Answer: Hydrometer Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 3 Question: Identify this tool and what is is known for.. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 3 Answer: Alvin, Discovered the Titanic Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 4 Question: What are these and how are they similar/different? Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 4 Answer: Schools of Fish – Purse Seine Organisms on the bottom - Dredge Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 5 Question: What is it? Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 5 Answer: Side-scan sonar Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 1 Question: What percentage of the earth is covered in water? Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 1 Answer: 70% Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 2 Question: First Voyage for Ocean Purposes…. First Satellite for Ocean Purposes… Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 2 Answer: HMS Challenger SeaSatA Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 3 Question: Who understood the importance of oceans to trade and winning a war? Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 3 Answer: Alfred Thayer Mahan Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 4 Question: What important line is located at zero degrees longitude? Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 4 Answer: Prime Meridian Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 5 Question: This German ship was the first to use an echosounder. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 5 Answer: Meteor Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 1 Question: Who was the first to determine the correct circumference of the earth? Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 1 Answer: Eratosthenes Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 2 Question: The current day system created by Hipparchus show latitude running in which direction? Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 2 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 3 Question: The first person to find their way all the way around the earth was __________ on the ship called _____________. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 3 Answer: The first person to find their way all the way around the earth was _Magellan_ on the ship called _Victory_. Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 4 Question: No matter where you are no matter where you go, you will get their quicker in this vessel. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 4 Answer: Cousteau’s Turbo Ship Alcyone Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 5 Question: First drilling ship was the _________ Challenger (Not HMS) Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 5 Answer: Glomar Challenger Back to the Game Board