E-Government Initiative Geospatial Information One-Stop FGDC Coordination Group December 4, 2001 John Moeller
E-Gov Initiative Federal Quicksilver TaskForce Chaired by MarkForman of OMB has completed its recommendations Purpose: Recommend “High Payoff” E-Gov Initiatives: –Interviewed many from all sectors –Basic research and analysis –Made recommendations to President’s Management Council PMC selected 23 Initiatives and assigned Lead Handout listing 23 Initiatives was distributed in Nov coordination Group Meeting
Geospatial One-Stop Assigned to DOI for FGDC lead Vision: –Provide a geographic component to e-government Purpose: –Near-term step to standardize and provide geographic backbone –Interactive Index to spatial data holdings –Agencies provide information about planned spatial data collections
Geospatial One-Stop Schedule: –Oct 25 Initiatives announced –Oct 30 FGDC and DOI convened a small writing team – Nov 6Briefing for FGDC Coordination Group –Nov 7Draft to DOI - Scott Cameron –Nov 13Draft to OMB –Mid Nov Draft distributed to Coordination Group and Stakeholders –Dec 10Revised Draft to DOI and OMB –Dec 20 & Jan 8 E-Gov Program Managers Meetings with OMB –Early 2002Anticipated Start date –Fall 2003Anticipated Completion of Geospatial Information One Stop Tasks
Geospatial One-Stop Assumptions: –NSDI principles and practices will be followed –A-16 and EO12906 provide policy guidance –Will build on ongoing NSDI activities, existing standards development work and Agency programs –Initiative will help build awareness and management focus –Initiative will help link E-Gov, Homeland Security and Agency Program implementations –Initiative will encompass activities that can be completed in months Funding: –Additional funding may be available but is not a given –Passback guidance has been given to agencies to use relevant FGDC standards
Geospatial One-Stop Project outline: 1.Develop and implement Framework Data standards 2.Inventory, document and publish Framework data holding in NSDI Clearinghouse 3.Publish metadata for planned data acquisition and update for Framework data 4.Prototype and deploy enhanced data access and web mapping services for Federal Framework data 5.Establish comprehensive Federal Portal as a logical extension to the NSDI Clearinghouse Network
Geospatial One-Stop End Results: –Standards for “Framework” layers are completed and deployed –Agencies are publishing planned spatial data activities and working with State and local entities to reduce overlapping efforts –Web portal to access standardized distributed data –Eliminate redundant non-standard data collection
Geospatial One-Stop Critical Success Factors –Cooperation from all agencies –Adoption of Standards –All relevant metadata for data and planned data collection is incorporated/updated into Clearinghouse –Interoperability tools used –Project procedures are flexible to account for diverse and changing roles of stakeholders –Funding is allocated –OMB participation
Geospatial One-Stop Project Phases/Milestones ( Based on Jan 02 Start): –Requirements analysis Jan 01 –OMB Bureau Data Request June 02 –Cost Benefit Study Oct 02 –Inventory, document and publish Framework data holding in NSDI Clearinghouse May 02 –Publish metadata for planned data acquisition and update for Framework data July 02
Geospatial One-Stop Project Phases/Milestones ( Based on Jan 02 Start): –Develop and implement 7 Framework Data standards* Working Drafts of Framework Standards Sept 02 Committee Drafts Jan 03 Final Standards May 03 –Prototype and deploy enhanced data access and web mapping services for Federal Framework data Prototype Client services and interoperability tools integration Jan 03 Implement Web Mapping and data access standards as services May 03 Pilot services integration in portal development July 03
Geospatial One-Stop Project Phases/Milestones ( Based on Jan 02 Start): –Establish comprehensive Federal Portal as a logical extension to the NSDI Clearinghouse Network Implement reusable commercial replication services for Web portal Sept 03 Establish network of liaisons with state and local Throughout project
Geospatial One-Stop What’s Are Agencies Asked To Do –Support the Initiative –Provide In-Kind Support for Standards Development Theme Managers Outreach Support to Standards Working Group Documentation of Existing Data and Plans Network of Liaisons to support Initiative –Funding support Web Mapping and Interoperability Portal Replication Services Modeling and Facilitation