A work in progress…
It isn’t just a syllabus and some assignments posted on Blackboard
GERO 510 The Aging Individual in Society and Community Course Description: This course will examine aging from both macro and micro perspectives. We will explore how the aging individual is affected by social and cultural forces, and in turn, how the aging population affects the greater society. We will draw upon sociological perspectives to increase our understanding of applied and theoretical issues in aging, examine the social aspects of aging through roles and relationships, explore aging as it is related to social institutions and the concept of "community." Finally, we will also consider patterns of diversity in the aging population as evidenced by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender. CommunitySocial CapitalDiversityMicro & Macro levels
New Technologies I want to Integrate to my Bb Course Wiki YouTube - Japan's elderly prison population - 02 Mar 08 EBSCO full text article links Snapkast
Student Knowledge, Access and Training SAMPLE ISSUES: -Loss of in-person lectures -Teaching students about the technology -Cannot hand out articles (or pdf them on Blackboard) POSSIBLESOLUTIONS SNAPKAST “In Plain English” series of instructional videos on YouTube (Wikis, blogs, RSS, etc) Electronic Database full text article link to Bboard course site
Linking Technology to Course Objectives & University Learning Goals GERO 510 Course Objectives: Students will Identify issues relevant to the sociological study of aging and analyze them from micro (individual level) perspectives as well as macro (community and societal level) perspectives. Students will learn how demographic trends impact societal structures and functions on both the individual and community levels. Students will learn and be able to apply the concepts of “community,” “diversity,” and “social capital” in relationship to issues covered in the course. Through various web-based assignments, students will become more skilled in the use of technology as a teaching-learning tool (and will also enhance students’ understanding of the term “community”). Through various readings and writing assignments, students will critically analyze timely issues related to aging including retirement, class, generational and cohort effects, political activism, health care, and the Older Americans Act as they connect to the individual and American society. Description of University-Wide Learning Goals: 1. Critical Thinking Students will be able to employ the use of reason or criteria in order to make a judgment. 2. Creativity Students will be able to develop or apply something new, innovative, imaginative or divergent. 3.Social Responsibility Students will develop the self, moral consciousness, and responsiveness to others. 4.Performance Students will be able to convey the expression, demonstration, exhibition, or enactment of meaning.
Losing my Face-to-Face Contact (Weekend Component) TIMEFriday, June 6 th Saturday, June 7 th Sunday, June 8 th 8:30 - 9:00 a.m.Course Introduction 9:00-10:00 a.m. Community: Definitions and descriptions LGBT Aging issues in the community Christa Peters, CICOA & Gerontology program Graduate 2007 Student mini- presentations on their elderly programs assignment. 10:00-11:00Social Capital Diversity and Aging in Different Contexts Angelia Bowman, MS AMSA Foundation Unique populations: Aging Prisoners; centenarians & Issues of class, cohort, and community 11:00-12:00Older Americans Act 11:30-12:30 Granny D: An aging individual Influencing community and society 12-1:00 p.m.Lunch 12:30-1:15ish Weekend wrap up and Assignments for the the Rest of the course 12:30-1:30 LUNCH 1:00-2:00 E.A.T. Meals Program & Community building Kay Crawford, CAC Sr Fellow Enjoy your Sunday Afternoon and Safe Travels back home! 1:30-2:30 Minority Aging: Stats And impact on the Aging individual in Community 2:15-3:15 Communities for Life and N.O.R.Cs: LaNita Garmany, Project Director CFL Project, CAC 2:30-3:15 Challenges for Elderly Women. Video: When She Gets Old 3:15-4:15 Neighborhood at the Crossroads film 3:30-4:00 Elderly Programs Assignment: Due Sunday a.m. 4:30-6:00Readings Discussion: Contexts of Ageing; Over the Next Hill 4:00-6:00 p.m. Time in library on your Own gathering info for Your assignment
Need to Change Course Assignments 1. To build a sense of community among the students 2. To make assignments more interactive & Understandable 3. To allow assignments to better meet the University learning goals of critical thinking, creativity, social responsibility and performance
My Pets Suzzie Betty Ed